Chapter Seven - Polluted

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Jared's eyes were bright in the darkness, his gaze unwavering, as he hovered in the shadows across the road from Leah's old house in the world of the dead. He shouldn't have been here. This place was tainted with people best kept buried and memories he shouldn't reawaken. And yet he'd come anyway.

It was the same tonight as it'd been for the last week. No Leah, no clues, just Brenton's doppelganger, swaying up the front porch at 12 on the dot every night, his movements jerky and uncertain. Every time Jared saw him, his nose crinkled in disgust. Brenton had never revealed to him who, or what, this man actually was, and Jared was too scared to draw his own conclusions.

But that wasn't why he came back every night, and it wasn't because he thought Leah would miraculously turn up either. No, it was the woman, the one who always sat by the open window after dinner, reading a book or staring out at the night. Every time Jared saw her, he felt Leah's letter burning a hole in his pocket, her words clattering around his head.

Go to my house in Narra. Your mum lives there. She'll be able to tell you everything.

He'd spent every night this week standing here, eyes fixed on the house with equal amounts of hope and horror. He knew, with a dreadful certainty, that this woman was who Leah said she was. And he didn't know how to handle that. Not when Leah had said other things that would rip his entire world apart if they were true.

It was just reaching 10, and Jared was trying to bring himself to finally knock on the door, when there was a quick movement from down the end of the street and he noticed a girl hurrying along it, her gaze darting around nervously. It was the girl that'd been with Leah the first night he'd come for her. She was dressed inconspicuously; her black clothes and dark skin almost indistinguishable in the shadows thrown from the street lights.

Jared couldn't help but edge a bit closer when it became obvious which house she was heading for. He slunk amongst the shadows, reaching a gumtree only a couple meters from Leah's old front door when she knocked on it. Her shoulders were hunched over, as if trying to make herself as small as possible.

There was a creak and a sliver of light lit up the porch.

"Zarah, what's wrong?"

The voice was surprised and soft, and Jared sucked in a breath. It stirred long forgotten memories, flickers of a face hovering over him and smiling, strengthening that bittersweet ache he couldn't seem to smother.

Zarah shifted, glancing behind her once more.

"Is Brenton home?"

"No, he's at the pub."

Zarah moved further into the light, her voice a frightened whisper. "I need to talk to you about Leah."

There was an intake of breath.

"Come in."

Zarah moved inside and the door shut behind her with a thud. Jared swore under his breath and glanced around the house, trying to locate an open window. The mention of Leah's name felt like ice water thrown down his back, he hated it, he didn't want it; and yet instantly adrenaline was coursing through him, instantly his heart was pounding.

His eyes landed on a second story window. The latch was cracked open, the curtains fluttering with a light breeze. Before he could second guess it, he jogged over and jumped. His fingers caught the frame and he launched himself through, landing softly on the carpet.

Jared straightened, taking in the room. There was a single bed in the corner and a vanity table next to the door. It was dusty and gave off an aura of disuse. The photos sitting on the vanity were splattered with Leah's face, confirming what he'd already suspected. Of course, of all the rooms he could've chosen, he'd ended up in hers.

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