Chapter Twenty Four - Experiments

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It was quiet when Jared arrived in Narra, the kind of quiet that made his pulse sound thunderous against his temples. He'd gotten here quickly in his relief to be free, revealing in the stretch of his legs and the breeze against his skin. But the moment he'd seen the warm glow of light coming from Leah's old house, he'd frozen up again, staring at the front door with a familiar morbid fascination.

He couldn't count the number of times he'd stood here, waiting for something to force his hand and place his mother in front of him. The idea of what she might tell him had been too terrifying for him to voluntarily go up to her before. But that didn't explain why he was hesitating now. His life had already been smashed to pieces. There wasn't much left to destroy.

But it was still with quick, jolting strides that he made his way up to the door and knocked, his heart thundering painfully in his chest as he waited.

For a moment, the house was quiet, but then he heard the faint pad of feet, quickly getting closer. And then the door was pulled open and Alice was there, her brown hair pulled back into a messy bun and her face open with curiosity. She was wearing slacks and a baggy shirt, the kind of relaxed outfit Jared was sure he would've seen her in daily if she'd lived past his infancy.

The thought stole all words from him and he found himself staring at her, his pulse sharp and painful.

"Can I help you?" Alice asked, opening the door wider, her eyes drifting over him uncertainly. "Are you looking for Brenton?"

Jared's mouth opened and closed, his throat going dry.

"No," he said, his voice more rasp and air than anything solid. "I wanted to see you, actually. Are you Alice Caldwell?"

For a moment, Alice was silent, her brow furrowed in confusion at his tortured expression, but then something shifted. He watched as her confusion gave way to a rising suspicion, and then, with a sudden gasp, she staggered back, her eyes going wide and her face white. He knew what she must be seeing; eyes like Brenton's, hair that more closely matched hers.

"Oh my god."

Alice's hand flew to her chest and fluttered there, unsure where to land.

"Jared?" she croaked.

Jared wasn't sure how to interpret her shock and his chest tightened.

"Yeah," he said awkwardly.

She blinked at him for a moment longer, and then ushered him inside, glancing nervously around the street, before shutting the door.

When she turned to face him again, her eyes were sparkling with tears.

"Jared," she said again, her voice choked with emotions. "What are you doing here? How did you know where –"

She swallowed, her cheeks flushed in agitation.

"Leah told me," Jared said softly. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I would've if I'd known, but Brenton never told me."

Jared's voice died away and he glanced down at him hands.

Alice's expression softened and Jared watched uncertainly as she came toward him, her eyes wide and wondering, and rested a hand gently against his cheek.

"You're so grown up," she said, her tone breathless and bittersweet.

Jared nodded and tried to smile, but from the sorrow that crossed her face he could tell that it looked too pained.

For a long moment, Alice was silent, contemplative, but then her expression morphed into something more stable and she pulled back.

"Do you want some tea?" she asked.

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