The Attack

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'I cant believe that he could suggest that my only child should school right where my enemies are, I can never let that happen. There is no need to think about it. My decision is final she will never school in Nigeria'.
mr president thought.

Gun shots are heard from a far distance.

'What is going on?'
shouted mr president.

'your excellency i think we are under attack'. Joseph the president's driver replied in a very loud and shaky voice.

'I was warned not to come to this conference but I did not listen. I might end up losing my life on my way back from the conference. Oh Lord protect me'. Mr president said out loud.

'your excellency we cant hold them much longer'. shouted mr Hammed head of security .

He was the man in charge of all the guards protecting mr president.

'We are trying our best but it seems we are outnumbered '.
More gun shots were heard hitting the president car. The sound making him even more afraid.

'Get down your excellency'.shouted Hammed.

The president quickly obeyed
he lay down on the floor of the car.
Immediately another sound was heard and the back glass of the car had shattered into pieces.

'Sir we will have to take you out of the car. It has being shot at so many times we are afraid that the car might soon be on fire and so many of our men are already dead '.

'Oh my Lord' shoutedMr president.I am not even in my own country yet I'm wanted dead. Do my enemies follow me to everywhere i go? Even here in the U.S'.

'Mr president we have to leave the car now. This is a matter of life and death we have to leave!'.

Joseph managed to get Mr president out of the car.
His remaining guards who were uninjured sorrounded him. Making a tight circle around him. With him in their middle,They hurriedly led him to a nearby taxi.
Immediately he entered the taxi, he saw his car on fire.
He was shocked.
Immediately like a dream all his security men were shot not even one remaining all dead before his own eye .
Even Hammed was lying dead and lifeless on the ground.

'Move this damn taxi!' his excellency shouted to the taxi driver.
A young white man.

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