the welcome back

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'He is the young man that I told you about, let him through'.

The soldier retracted his gun and Daniel followed behind the president with perspiring heavily.

What if I was shot, Daniel thought.

The plane landed in Lagos, Nigeria,  so
the president had to be put on another plane to convey him to Abuja,  the Nation's capital where the president was based.

Upon arrival at the airport in Abuja, a convoy of sleek expensive cars conveyed the president and his white guest to the presidential villa, where the president and his family reside.

Daniel hoped he wouldn't be held at gunpoint again as he saw the many guards placed strategically around the area.

They drove into a compound with beautiful flora. He was finally driven to the front of a mansion where the guards opened the car door for his excellency and he came down and then Daniel followed close behind  in an effort to avoid any complications.

Daniel looked up to see a woman running down to meet with them, which he guess was the president's wife. followed by a young lady, she was black and had long hair. He never thought that African ladies could also be this beautiful. Maybe there is a lot of things that he does not know about Africa after all he thought.
The girl ran to hug the father, her beauty was indescribable. She did not even notice Daniel. It was like he was invisible.

'darling who is this?' the wife finally. asked.

'let's get inside first my dear then I will explain'

When they got inside the house was beautiful infact beyond beautiful.
He had always thought that Africa was a big village, underdeveloped, but this was different from all his mental image of Africa.

'Daniel this is my wife the First Lady and my only child and daughter Ayomide, Ayomide and Sarah this is Daniel he saved me from the attackers in the U. S.

'thank you so much for what you have  done, God bless you'. The First Lady said.

'thank you ma'am' Daniel replied.

'Honey hope there were no injuries sustained? '

'no none'

'thank God' she said out loud.

'Daddy are you sure?' Ayomide asked with concern, her voice as sweet as honey to Daniel's ears.

'yes my dear' the president replied.

'OK thank God' she replied and heaved a sigh of relief.

'OK I will take care of other things but Daniel the maid will show you to your room, go and rest and in the morning we will discuss.

Daniel was led to a very big room with a king sized bed. The maid came back to give him all he needed. He took his bath, put on the night robe given to him  and lied down, not long after the air conditioner led him to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2019 ⏰

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