The flight back

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  The president immediately got out with Daniel following closely behind him. He asked for the next flight back to Nigeria. The airport authority recognize him and complied even though they presented no passport.

'Two seats please' he said still panicking a little

'yes sir' replied the lady behind the desk

The airport authorities were surprised that a man that came with an entourage, is now going back with only one guy and what's more?  The guy's white!!

'I book the flight for two, you know that you cannot go back caused you would be in grave danger. Hope you don't mind going back to Nigeria with me? '

What do I have to lose Daniel thought, no parents nor relatives, nothing worth staying for.

'I've got nothing to stay back here for, and I don't fancy getting killed'.

'okay, do you have your phone with you? I want to make a call'

'yeah' replied Daniel as he handed him his phone.
He dialed the number of the head of defense.

'his excellency speaking' announced the president over the phone.

'your excellency?'

'My men and I were attacked on my way back from the U.S, they were all killed. I am the only one alive. I need the special forces with me when I return and no news about this should reach the media'.

'yes your excellency. Sorry  for the great loss. Please we need to know the plane and when it will land'

'Arik air  flight 104, expect us by tomorrow"

'us? '

'yes I've got a young man here with me when I'm back in Nigeria I will explain it all'.

'yes your excellency'

Daniel was flabbergasted, Mr president?!, unbelievable, but why will anyone want to kill the president he thought.

As they got into the plane after all of the searching and waiting. The plane took off after taking the usual procedures.

His excellency then decided to ask the young man some questions.

'Young man what his your name? '

'I'm Daniel Carter by name'

'OK Mr Daniel thank you for saving my life. Could you tell me a little about yourself?'

'yes sir, I'm twenty one, lost my father and mother in a car accident at seventeen. I tried to make a living by taxi driving'

'Accept my condolences,I hope to give you a better life in Nigeria'

'thank you sir' Daniel replied

They both did not know what to say any longer so they use the time to get some rest.
Finally the plane reached Nigeria. Daniel was sweating not knowing how this was going to go.
Nobody came out of the plane before his excellency.
As Daniel looked out he noticed that the airport was filed with the men on uniform.
The president made his way down with Daniel tailing him, other passengers murmured and whispering as they saw the president coming down from the plane.
Immediately the president stepped down, the military men surrounded him
Daniel tried to meet up but someone suddenly barked at him.

'young man step back!'.....And a gun was pointed at Daniel's head.

Hello guys will be changing the title of the story to "The White man. Hope your all enjoying the story. More chapters coming up.

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