6 - at his house

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We got into his car and started going to his house it was quite a long ride so we decided to listen to music. "Hey what do you want to listen to" he said.
"Um do you know BTS" I said shyly
"Oh yeah I know them they have good songs" said Alex while nodding
"Yeah they do, can we listen to mic drop then"
"Sure" he said while plunging his phone in a turning the volume up
Soon I started jamming out and singing like a crazy lady then I noticed Alex looking at me from the corner of his eye. That made me a little shy so I decided to stop and sit back.
"What happened" Alex said confused with a little smirk at the edge of his lips
"Um nothing I just got tired" I lied
He looked at me and just laughed while pulling up in his driveway. I look to see a beautiful bid house, and at first I thought it was a dream and couldn't believe that he lived here.
We got out of the car and walked towards the front door I was still mesmerised but the beauty of this house and that probably made me look like and absolute weirdo but I didn't care much.
"So um yeah this is my house, make yourself at home" he said while putting his bag down and leading me to his room.
"Un sure thanks" I said while still staring at his house and following right behind him.
As we entered his room my gob dropped as far as it could it was so beautiful he was definitely so rich and had an amazing life and and at this point I was getting slightly jealous.
"Ok so what should we do our speech on" he said lying down on his bed
"Um I don't really know whatever you want" I said not knowing what to do
"Ok so I have some ideas maybe we can do it about wildlife" as he said that I knew I didn't want to do a speech about wildlife
"No I don't really like that"
"Ok that fine what about global warming" he said with confidence
"Um no thanks, what about something simple and that happens around the world to people who are out age like bullying" as I said that he stood up and looked at me with happiness
"Yes that's the one"

Once we decided how we are going to present this speech we got to writing it, it took about 4 hours of trial and error but we got there in the end and I was so hungry and tired that I fell asleep while writing it.
A few hours later Alex woke me up and told me to go and eat something and since he had already made some noodles I just ate them
"Thanks you Alex for the food" I said while washing the dishes
"No problem" Alex replied
After we where some washing the dishes  we both sat done in the couch and watched tv. At this point I completely forgot that I was in his house and not mine.
"Um it's late now I think I should get going" I said hoping for him to tell me to stay or something that prevents me from going.
"I don't think you can it's raining really bad and all the roads are blocked with traffic so go tomorrow, and it's the weekend end anyway so sat over for tonight" as he said that I was so happy that my cheeks hade gonna bright red and I was practically bouncing with joy I loved being with Alex he made me forget all my worries and problems when I was with him but I didn't know if he felt that same way I did.
"Oh ok then but I don't want to be a problem to you"
"Oh no I live alone and it get boring so I like to have some company" he said with a cute smile it's made me weak.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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