Chapter 5: Training

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Later that day (Your POV)

Life couldn't be simpler, I'm just having a nice relaxing time listening to music while taking a walk, until someone taps me on the shoulder that is. Turning around, I see that Thatcher is gesturing for me to take my headphones off so I could actually hear him. Pausing my music, I take my headphones off and raise an eyebrow at him. "Listen, mate, we're about to start a training simulation but the attacking team are down a member. I thought that this would be a good idea for you to get to learn how these guys operate. So, how about it, you want to be their fifth?" I stand there in thought for a moment before giving him a nod, which he returns with a pat on the back as he starts walking to the training grounds. Once there, Thatcher wished me luck and went towards the spectating area while I joined my team for the day. Once I opened the door, all eyes were on me. Thankfully, I recognised Zofia and Sledge, but the other two I didn't. I walked over to them all and the FBI operator with welding goggles shakes my hand. "Name's Jordan, but people call me Thermite on account of my love for destruction and my exothermic charges." The GIGN operator with the full-length shield shakes my hand next while looking me up and down. "I'm Gilles, my codename is Montagne. Everyone calls me Monty though." I nod and smile at him while Sledge and Zofia wave to me as Thermite, Montagne and I join them at the planning table as Sledge begins speaking. "Alright, we have no idea who they got which is a bit of an issue, but easily found out with the drones. Jordan, Zofia, I want your drones to scout the ground floor. Gilles, you drone the basement. Ghost, you drone top floor and I'll drone the second floor, we need full coverage of the map. Now the breaching strat: Monty, Thermite, you two go in through here and do a sweep and clear, Zofia and I will do the same on the opposite side of the floor. Once you've made sure it's clear then you go up a floor while we go down. Ghost, you go on the top floor and pick off any roamers that could be hiding around up there, and watch your back if they have Caveira. That girl can sneak up on just about anybody. Does everyone know what they're doing?" All of us nod and prep our weapons in response, earning a nod from Sledge as he opens the door to the simulation and leads us out. "Good luck, (Y/N), you'll probably need it." I lift up my mask and give Sledge a smug look before replacing it over my face. "Don't need luck, mate. Just need skill."

5 Minutes Later

I hear the buzzer to signal the start of the simulation and start running towards the side of the building and start rappelling upwards onto the second floor. As I swing through the window, I hear the sounds of explosions and gunshots from 2 floors below, sounds like the rest of my team are having a blast down there. I can hear footsteps, they're barely audible but I can hear them going past the room that I was stood in. I slide over a desk and hide underneath it and hope that whoever it was will turn their back to me and present me with a chance to ambush them. I look through a bullet hole in the desk to see a woman with skull face paint walking around with a silenced pistol. She walks over to the doorway and closes the door, preventing me from escaping before walking back to a wall to prevent me from sneaking up on her. "Come out, I know you're here, covarde!" I narrow my eyes at her from under a desk, she called me a coward in Portuguese? Oh, it's on. I take out a bullet and wait until she turns to look out the window and throw it into the room opposite the desk. I look to see her with an evil smile before walking over to the source of the noise, pistol drawn and aimed. I quietly hop out from under the desk and sneak next to the doorway, waiting for her to come out straight into my little ambush. I hear her swear in Portuguese before beginning to walk back towards me, I just hope she doesn't look my way. I aim my Deagle at the doorway and as she walks through, I cock the weapon and aim at her head. I can see her eyes widen before she holds her hands in the air, I take her pistol from her and place it in my second pistol holster. I can see her narrow her eyes at me before I wrap an arm around her neck to keep her as a hostage, making her blush a little. "You're my new bargaining chip. Make one wrong move and I'll tag you out, got it?" She nods her head in confirmation and I begin walking out the room. I come to a staircase before I feel her come to a stop, making me stumble a bit. I look at her puzzled before she sighs and points to the bottom of the next staircase. "Welcome Mat, next staircase. Lesion traps all around the floor below that and Ela has been placing mines all down the corridor. They've also got Rook's armour plates on so they'll be tougher. You may as well just take me out, I've told you everything you should need to know." I shake my head before walking down the stairs, seeing the Welcome Mat that she pointed out to me. Honestly, I don't know what it does but I don't really want to find out just yet. I fire three shots at the mat and I hear some clicks before the trap falls apart. I was so occupied with my hostage that I didn't notice that it had gone from 5v5 to a 1v4, technically a 1v3 since I've got one of them right here. I begin to look around the corridor while slowly walking forward, only to get a massive shock of pain to my head and my vision becoming blurred. The woman I'd been keeping captive grabbed her pistol and aimed at her me with a grin. "Whoops, guess I forgot to warn you about the mine right in front of you. You did well to get this far but alas, this is where I win." I see a mine placed right next to her head and take the shot, hitting the mine directly and making her stumble forwards. I fire 5 more shots aimed straight at her chest and see the health gauge on her armour go from 100 down to 0, signalling that she's out. I walk past her and take the phone from out her pocket, much to her protests. I begin to look at the cameras and figure out where everyone is. I walk into a room and see some tape and an idea forms inside my head. I grab the tape and begin to tape my Deagle onto my back, thanks for the idea McClane. Upon seeing that the objective is empty through the cameras, I sprint inside and take cover behind a bookshelf while the alarm goes off to notify defenders that I'm inside. Rapid footsteps begin to come towards the room before I see Ela running in with a woman wearing a white outfit and a heavily armoured man walking in a few moments later. The 3 seem oblivious to where I am so I decided to just take my chances. I take out my customized assault rifle and begin to open fire on the three, hearing grunts of pain whenever a paintball hit one of them. The three of them take cover before Ela and the armoured guy stand up and signal that they've reached zero health and are out, making it a 1v1 situation. While reloading my weapon, I can hear her footsteps growing closer and closer before they stopped next to me. I look up to her and raise my hands while she pulls me to my feet. I can feel her smirk at me from under her mask while I place my hands on the back of my neck, gripping the handle of my pistol. "Any last words, bud?" I nod at her before she gestures for me to speak. "Yippee ki yay motherfucker!" I rip the Deagle out of the tape and fire at her torso 4 times before she has a chance to react. She looks down to see her health as dropped to 0 before looking at me in disbelief and dropping her rifle to the ground in defeat. I hear some feedback before Six comes onto the speaker, cheers coming from behind her. "Attackers win! Congratulations to Ghost for getting 4 kills and using a very old school method to win." The woman is still looking at me with wide eyes before she picks up her rifle and holds out her hand. "Good game, dude" I shake her hand before taking off my balaclava to try and cool down. "You too, sorry for using such a cheap tactic though." She laughs before beginning to leave the simulation, I catch up to her and start walking next to her. "It's no problem, kinda impressed actually. Name's Tina "Frost" Lin Tsang, nice to meet ya Ghost." "It's (Y/N) actually. (Y/N) (L/N)." She smiles before holding the door open for me. "Shall we? I think we've got a celebration party to go to after that." And so, my day ends with me and Frost leaving the simulation and going to a party in my honour. 

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