Chapter 2: Prison cell.

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                  Chapter  2: A prison cell.

-After  Dci and  Chief Wilson  arrive  back at the  police  station, with  Elaine,  the car  ride wasn't   long  because where Elaine lived to  the  city was just a five or eight minutes ride  to the city  and the police station was in the city of New Orleans, Dci Robinson and  Chief  Wilson  dragged her  handcuffed  hands  outside  the  small police car  "what have I  done  officers?" Elaine asks while a tear rolled down her left cheek but no response to her question, they both just drag her inside the station to another officer who later introduced himself to  Elaine as detective constable Lonsdale. "Sir, may I  have my bag?" Elaine asked  Dci Robinson who she saw searched it.   Detective  constable  Lonsdale

Was  very strict, especially  with  murderers but Elaine wasn't  one, "have a seat, Miss  Moore." Detective, Constable Lonsdale ordered Elaine so she did as was told "Now  Miss Moore a week ago  Mr. Stanley Harrelson reported that the housemaid killed his brother Victor which you were their housemaid at the time"  correct?"  he ask Elaine, with a straight face.

"Yes I was their housemaid at the time but I did not kill  Mr. Victor   I don't take what I cannot give. " Elaine said, I   didn't breathe breath into humans God did OK   not me or you in fact we should not take what we cannot give Almighty God is the only one who can give life he giveth and he taketh,"  she said feeling teary remembering her parents' gruesome death which their lives was taken by two white men but she held her tears back which in fact was hard to do but she succeeded.

"And you will need a lawyer present tomorrow in the interview room when we are ready for you to answer some questions too, Miss. Moore" Dci Robinson and Chief   Wilson  told Elaine  handing her, her black  journal  and her holy Bible  while they  kept her handbag and purse she took them with no questions ask  Dci Robinson brought Elaine to the cells  and she couldn't  believe her eyes  of what she saw, she was very shocked only women were in the cells  but  what shocked her the most is that no white women were in the cells  just  black women and no men either, later that night  while Elaine was sitting in her cell in a pair of black and white striped trousers and top which the stripes suits were outfits  for the prisoners 

she took her bible and turn it to ACTS16: 10 which read:  the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and help us. 

And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavored to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel unto them. Therefore losing from  Tro'as, we came with a straight course to Samothra'cia, and the next day to Neopolis; but Elaine was reading the chapter of which Paul preached at Thessalonica, she got a great idea but felt sleepy too she mark the page what she was reading in the bible by putting her pen between the pages and close her eyes and instantly she was asleep.....





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