Hey guys so today I wanted to sayy happy Friday first of all. This is because Friday's are very special to me since it is the time when I can really have deep meaningful time with Jesus. It is a time to relax and just enjoy life without worries. And yes that you should do every day but for me Friday is the extra sprincle. It's all about just saying thank you to God for everything he has done in my life, for every messy and beautiful moment. Say thanks for my family, for my health, for being able to live life with him by my side. God deserves all the credit. Drinking coffee and just talking and reading God's world is amazing. I want to encourage you to take your time to just have talks with God and let him know of everything going in your life and dont be afraid to ask for advice. He will listen to you and don't worry he will show you the right path just listen to his voice. He loveeessses you soo sooo much. It's beyond imagination. You don't have to work your way up to to earn his love. He already does no matter what. The bible is about a God coming down from his throne to be with his people. To redeem them and have a relationship with them. Imagine the universe's almighty God coming to earth dying for you just to show you that he is willing to get vulnerable, beaten mocked and cursed hurt and crucified so that you can experience his goodness his grace and his love. He is an uncontrollable Jahwe, your dad and best friend. His love always fills my heart that much i have a feeling of brusting of joy. God fills my cup so that it overflows and makes me what to go up to any stranger and pour my heart out to them telling them how much God loves them. Okay that would be a little strange but that is how God makes me feel and since we should be the light of the world we shouldn't be afraid to talk about God and his love and show any person we meet that having a relationship with Jesus is more precious than anything this world could ever offer and more than anything money could buy, more than any dimond. God is worth everything. Give him your heart and he will change it and make it pure and soft like a pillow. ;)
Thank you God for Friday's and for your unconditional love.