The Fair

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Emily's POV:
It's a cool Friday morning, I wake up and I have a text from my friend Mikayla. I rub my eyes and stretch. I unlock my phone and click on the new message.
Mikayla: Hey Em, there's a fair tonight in town, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me and Madeline?
Emily: Yea, I'd love to go! I'll ask my mom and let you know at school!
Mikayla: Okay see ya then!
Emily: k!
I get up and get ready for school. I go to the kitchen and my mom is making coffee. "Good morning mom!" I say sitting down at the table. "Morning sweetie, did you sleep good?" I smile and say, "Yesmam, I have a quick question.." My mom looks at me before taking a sip of her coffee and says, "Okay, what is it?" I look up and say, "I was wondering, if I could go to the fair with Mikayla and Made line tonight?" My mom looks at me and says, "today's Friday, no school tomorrow, I guess but, be home before 11." I look up and smile and say, "Thanks mom!" She smiles and says, "your welcome." Just then my phone buzzes with a text from Laine.
Laine: U up?
Emily: Yea
Laine: ok, I'll be there in 10 mins.
Emily: k.
I tell my mom by and go wait on the porch like I always do. I scroll through twitter waiting on him.
*10 minutes later*
Laine pulls into my driveway and I go get in.
Laine: Morning Emmy.
Emily: Good morning Lainey!
Laine: someone's in a good mood this morning
Emily: Me, you're the one whose all cheery *laughing*
Laine: I got good news!
Emily: Really? What!
Laine: I think I'm going to try out for American Idol.
Emily: Really? You'd do amazing!
Laine: I'm not sure yet though.
Emily: aw come on Laine! You can do it, I've heard you sing before.
Laine: I don't know, I still have a couple of weeks to think about it.
Emily: True.
Laine: So, the fair is back in town tonight..
Emily: Yea I heard! I'm going with Mikayla and Madeline.
Laine: Oh, really?
Emily: Yea! I honestly can't wait.
Laine: Well, there went my Friday night.
Emily: what do you mean?
Laine: Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to go to the fair with me....
Emily: As in a date?
Laine: No, no.. umm, as friends..
Emily: Oh, umm, I mean I can see if you can go with me, Mikayla, and Madeline.
Laine: Nah. I'll be okay. What time are you gonna be back?
Emily: Mama said be home by 11 tonight.
Laine: oh okay.
Emily: why?
Laine: No reason.
Emily: umm okay?
I was honestly confused at how Laine was acting. This is unlike him. I'm not sure what's going on but, hopefully we can talk about it soon. We finally get to school and go inside to first period.
Laine's POV:
As I set down in my English class, my buddy Hunter leans up and asks, "Dude, what's up with you this morning?" I turn around and say, "what do you mean?" Hunter gives me a funny look and says, "You're acting weird...." I shook my head and turned around. I didn't really want to tell him why I was acting weird. I have a small problem. I think I'm beginning to have feelings for Emily. I asked her to the fair in hopes of telling her how I feel but, it looks like tonight isn't going to be my chance. I focus my attention on the teacher until the bell rings. "LAINE!" I hear my friend Brantley yell down the hall. I turn around and Brantley walks up to me. "Hey Laine, you going to the fair tonight?" I shook my head and said, "I don't know why?" Brantley looks at me and says, "Me and the boys wanted to know if you wanted to go with us and hang out." I put my books in my locker and say, "Yea, I'll go I have to ask my parents but, I can meet yall there." I shut my locker and Brantley says, "Alright!" I shake my head and go to my next class.
Emily's POV:
"Psst Em!" I hear someone say while I was writing down my notes. I shrugged it off until I heard it again. "Psst, Em!" I turn around and Madeline has a note handing it to me. I take it and slump down in my seat and open it. It read:
"Emily, want to go to the fair with me tonight? Check yes, no, or idk.- Josh" I turn around and see Josh smiling. I think for a minute and grab my pencil and check idk. I give the note to Madeline and she gives it back to Josh. He opens the letter and looks at it and his smile disappears. He folds the piece of paper and puts it in his pocket. I finish taking notes until the bell rings. As soon as the bell rings I gather my stuff and head out of the classroom when I hear someone say, "Hey Emily, wait!" I turn around and see Josh. "Sooo, I was wondering, have you made your decision yet?" I laughed and little and say, "Look, Josh, I'm sorry but, I'm not looking for anyone right now." Josh looks disappointed and says, "Oh okay, I understand, I'll see ya around." I nod and walk off.
Laine's POV:
"What was that about?" I ask Emily laughing while standing at our lockers. "Oh you don't even wanna know." Emily says. I shake my head and go to my next class, which is Emily's next class, gym. We made it through gym by playing basketball.
Emily's POV:
Soon it was time to go home. The final bell rung and I went to my locker to put my books up and head to Laine's truck. I got in and we started home. "How was your day?" Laine asked. I looked at him and said, "Good, what about yours?" Laine keeps driving and says, "Fine." I look at him and say, "Laine, is something wrong?" He looks at me and says, "no, why?" I look at him and frown and say, "Laine, you're lying, I have known you all my life, now what is it?" Laine then pulls off onto a dirt road and parks the truck. "Look, Emily, I have to get this off of my chest, here lately I don't know what's gotten into me.. but, I think I've developed feelings for you." I look at Laine shocked and start laughing a little, "Ha.. Laine you're good a jokes!" Only to see him shake his head. "Oh, you weren't kidding..." he looks at me and says, "no, I'm being serious." I think a minute and say, "Laine, I'm going to ride with you to the fair so we can talk, okay?" He looks at me and says, "Okay." We drive off to my house and I get out and go get ready. I text Mikayla and tell her Laine and I will meet her and Madeline there. She agrees and I go get ready. I couldn't get the question out of my head, "Do I like Laine back?" Was it true? I finish getting ready and text Laine that I'm ready. I'm wearing a school spirit shirt and some blue jeans with white converse. I left my hair down and straightened it. I put on a little makeup and wore my glasses. I tell my parents by once I see Laine drive up. I go and get in his truck and I feel him watching me. "Hi." I say buckling up. "Hey." He says backing out. "So, is Mikayla and Madeline still coming?" Laing asks. I smile and say "Yea." Laine nods and then says, "I'm supposed to meet up with the guys when we get there." I look at him and smile and say, "Okay, sounds great." Laine looks at me and says, "listen, I don't want things to be awkward between us from what I told you today..." I smile and say, "it's not awkward Laine. I promise" he smiles a little and turns on his blinker pulling in the fair parking lot. We get out and I see Mikayla drive up. She gets out of her car and says, "Ready to have some fun?" I nod and motion for Laine to come on. "I think I'm going to wait on the guys." Laine says. I nod and follow Mikayla. Once we was away from Laine, Mikayla speaks up and says, "Is there something going on between you and Laine?" I give her a confused look and say, "Nooo, why?" Mikayla looks and Mr and shrugs and we keep walking. We rode the ferris the wheel, a roller coaster, and played a few games. We met up with Laine and the guys at this one game. I seen a big huge brown teddy bear I wanted and I was going to try to win it.
Laine's POV:
We were standing in line to play a water gun shooting game. They had all kinds of prizes. From huge stuffed animals to small ones. Emily nudges Mikayla and says, "I'm going to win that Brown teddy bear!" I laugh and continue to wait in line. When it got Emily's turn, she tried twice to win the bear but, failed. It was my turn and I won the bear at ease. Emily stood there with her mouth wide open. "Better close your mouth or a fly is going to land in there." I say putting my hand to her chin and closing her mouth. "Laine! Can I just please hold it?" Emily says. I snatch the bear and say, "Nope, it's mine." I start walking and Emily follows. "Hey, wants to popcorn?" I say to her. "Sure." She replies. I buy us two bags of popcorn and she suggests we go ride the ferris wheel again. I agree and we head towards the ferris wheel. I give the guy at the gate two tickets and he let's us on. I climb in and the rode starts.
Emily: Laine, what are you going to do with that teddy bear?
Laine: Probably nothing, why?
Emily: I want it.
Laine: You can have it :) *hands bear to Emily*
Emily: Aww, thanks Lainey *lays head on his shoulder*
Laine: you're welcome Emmy.
Emily: I'm so tired.
Laine: Poor thing. You can go to sleep I'll wake you up when we get to the bottom.
Emily: Nah, I don't go to sleep on rides *laughing*
Laine: okay then, suit yourself.
We finish riding the ferris wheel and it is 10:00 pm. We have an hour before Emily has to be home. We decide to go home, she tells her friends bye and we head towards the truck. I am far ahead of her and she comes running. She drops her bear and jumps on my back. "GOT YOU!" Emily says. I laugh and balance us. She wraps her arms around my neck and I hold her on my back by her legs. "You're forgetting your bear." I say laughing. "Oh yea." Emily says laughing. "Wait. I think I can get it." I say bending down. "Laine, don't drop me!" I smile while grabbing the best and say, "I'm not." I got the bear and head to the truck. This isn't making my crush on her any easier. We finally make it to the truck and I put Emily down. We get in the truck and start home.
Emily's POV:
On the ride home, me and Laine mostly joked around. We finally make it to my house and Laine walks me to the front door. "Thanks for hanging out with me when Mikayla and Madeline left.." I said looking at Laine. He smiles and says, "Anytime." I give him a hug and walk inside. Before closing the door I say, "Text me to let me know you've made it home." He nods and turns around to walk off. I shut the door and head to my room. I put my pajamas on and take off my makeup. I climb in bed and snuggle with my teddy bear. I smelled of it and it smells like Laine. I hugged it tighter until I heard my phone buzz.
Laine: I made it home Emmy.
Emily: Good :)
Laine: So, wyd?
Emily: laying in bed wbu?
Laine: about to do the same.. so what did you do with the bear.
Emily: I may or may not be sleeping with it haha..
Laine: haha.. why? I thought you were 17, 17 year Olds don't sleep with bears.
Emily: If they smell like their best friend that they miss they do....
Laine: You miss me?
Emily: maybe...
Laine: I think we need to talk... since it's late, can you come to lunch with me tomorrow just to talk?
Emily: Yea and I agree we do need to talk.
Laine: ok, I'll see you tmrw, I'll pick you up at 12.
Emily: ok, gn Lainey.
Laine: gn Emmy.
Tomorrow is the day I have to tell Laine how I feel. I wonder what's going to happen? I don't want to lose my best friend but, I can't just sit here and hang out with him and not let him know how I really feel. Hopefully it won't be too hard. I push the thoughts out of my head and go to sleep.

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