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I never imagined that I can still breathe even if there is a chain on me. What are the things that can make me suffer from the reflections that interfere with my past.

I try to balance the reasons that give me light after that night. I am not aware that everything will be that way. We love each other, but there are things that don't need to be continued. I never imagine that everything will turn out like this.

I received a call from Murry, and he was waiting for me at Aunt Janet's house. I don't know why he was suddenly calling. When I arrived I shut my car's door then gets inside. I saw them sitting in the couch in the living room. Murry stood as if he looks frustrated. Aunt Janet was there crying. I wondered because Riggs sister, Ruby was also there, and Storm's sister whose name was also Ruby was also there.'

''Youre just a kid. You don't even know what being a parent is.'' Aunt Janet says.

''How many weeks do you get pregnant?'' Murry asked.

''It's six weeks since I got the last period.'' Ruby responded.

I was just there watching them, and stumble to my cousin Storm.

''Why aren't you happy that they're going to have a baby?'' I say. ''You'll have a grandson. That would be nice.'' I looked at them and I knew Murry didn't like it.

They all look dismay. It looks like no one's want to have fun, my face turned down from being eager beaver from the news that Storm and Riggs's sister is going to have a baby. I guess they weren't.

I sit between Storm and Ruby which she's going to have a baby.

''Does you parents know about this?'' Aunt Janet asked.

Ruby melancholy shook her head. ''No, I haven't tell them yet.''

''What if the Governor knows about this? I am just afraid for Storm.'' Aunt Janet commented.

''Okay, we should make a way out of this. We should figure it out.'' Murry announced.

''I know this isn't appropriate, but I hate you to be my niece mother. After what your brother did to Sanders best friend. She almost killed herself.'' She stamped her feet and turned away.

I saw how Janet reacted to her. I knew there were things I knew was just the beginning. After my class the next day, Storm picked me up. I wondered why he wasn't with Ruby. He saw the cassette tapes in my car.

''To whom this cassette tapes come from?'' He snaps.

''Jasper.'' I hollered.

''I thought you almost over him, and when did you plan to tell Murry about it?'' Storm looked at me.

I shrugged my shoulder just after he stopped driven into fast food. He bought a burger and fries. And he handed me a coke. I remembered then that fries and burger had been showing off his stress when his girlfriend dumped her at that time, and Walter was still then. He tried to put the tape, but he almost placed it on the cassette player.

I can't tell the exact date in the calendar when my heart began beating for someone. I can't say I fell in love with a person at 3:46 p.m. Yesterday the same way my alarm clock tells you it's time to greet the morning. I won't be able to know for myself about the first time I saw his eyes glint ethereally as the sun rays project into them or about when his hands began to feel like the warmth I need with you on the bed aside from the cushions and blankets.

Time, perhaps, can never be a variable for love. Time, perhaps, is just a part of how we romanticize about kismet and perfect incidents or just an excuse we overuse to break up with someone we no longer want to be with.

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