Hisoka | Sightseeing (1/2)

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It had been quite some time since you had been anywhere near a Hunter's exam and now you were to become a judge for it. It was exhilarating to hear the news of your success that fateful day you arrived home from your miscellaneous journey. It was more exhilarating to find yourself as the second round judge, only because Saitou was more than capable of trimming over ¾ of the participants and you were more... Percise.

You were currently on an air ship headed to your unknown destination alongside the other judges/proctors. You had no idea who most of them were, but you smiled and wandered away towards the viewing deck, away from all the people and noise.

Staring out the glass barrier you could see the rolling Green hills below and the bright stars above, it was a gorgeous sight to say the least. Just as you had begun to relax you suddenly felt this dark, ominous presence in the room slowly creeping up behind you, as you turned around you were faced with a man, with intensely pink hair that was styled up and he had this piercing golden, standing not even four feet away from you. He towered over you with a smug look upon his face almost like he was challenging you, and it irritated you immensely, but you would never dare back down because... You were not a proctor for the Hunter Exams just for shits and giggles.

You were a force to be reckoned with.

"Last time I checked any people taking the exam were to wait in their cabins until we arrived to the next destination."

The man smirked and crept closer as he spoke:

"Last time I checked... I didn't really give a damn. I am not one to be... Confined whatsoever."

You were stunned for a moment, surprised anyone was so bold to talk back to you in such manners and so nonchalantly at that. The man saw how agitated you had become and dropped his smirk and replaced it with a smile.

"Oh don't give me that look... I was actually hoping to be friends maybe possibly more than friends... Hmm?"

"Friends? Seriously... With you?"

You were definitely skeptical of this man, but you sighed and decided it would be ten times easier to get rid of the guy if he was your "friend" rather than some stranger. So with a roll of your eyes and a click of your tongue you introduced yourself and you came to know the man as Hisoka Morow.


>>Fast Forward to Almost the End of the Exams<<

"You sick bastard! H-hisoka! How could you kill... How could you kill that poor guy, you knew full and well that he was no match for you... And yet..."

"(Y/n)... If I didn't do that then... Some one else was going to, might as well do it fast for the fellow and save a more... Meaningful life."

You were furious at the man... He slayed a man who barely scrapped by the first round and is now trying to tell you someone else was going to die if he didn't... This was ridiculous.

"You just got eliminated from the exams! I can't even look at you right now!"

The tension was rising for you, but Hisoka was having more difficulty... Eventually he go tired of hearing your ranting and decided shut you up... With a swift hand he caught your chin and most of your cheeks, bringing his face nose to nose with your's.

"Shut your pretty little mouth before I do anything else... You wanna know why I did what I did?"

Your eyes diverted themselves from his stare, almost afraid of what he may or may not do as he point blank ignored your tense and comfortable position, unable to pull away.

"Another man who was taking this exam with me decided to play a game... My... Attraction towards you is what started this to be completely honest. Jealousy is one hell of an emotion my sweet... Anyway..."

He silently reached behind your neck to feel him pull something out from you, a stinging sensation radiated all around, but the pain slowly subsided and you glared at him ready to snap. Hisoka hushed you once more as he explained:

"Illumi Zoldyk is a very skilled assassin, who took a liking to me, and decided to play with my life a bit. I kill that poor guy, get kicked out for my Hunter's licence, and save you or I could have been selfish and allow my opponent to live, you die, and get my Hunter's licence... But I did not did I? Illumi gave me the location of his needle here after I killed that guy, if this was not taken out after 30 minutes or so the poison would have begun to dissolve into your blood stream and kill you within a day or the needle would have sunk far enough it interferes with you mobility or worse kill you..."

You stared, wide eyes and mouth agape, and could not process a single word. He risked his livelihood to save your life? A life he only knew for about two or three weeks...

You wanted to hug him and say thank you, but you began to shake, trembling horribly actually. Tears welled in your eyes and Hisoka loosened his grip from your face, slowly pulling you into his chest for a gentle hug. His strong arms wrapped securely around your shivering body and you allowed the silent tears to fall.

This was a lot to take in and you tried, you really did. The fact that this man ruined his future for you was too much to take in, but you were still ever grateful.

"Are you quite done crying now? You are very much so alive and beautiful, yes, but we must be on out way now."


Hisoka huffed as he turned you around, slowly beginning to shove you off to your unknown destination:

"Out of all that you only heard that part? Geez..."

"Stop teasing me then! I can't tell when your joking or not!"

"Who said I was joking?"

"W-well... Uh! Where are we going?"

"Dinner... And I get to do some sightseeing."


"Yeah there's this girl going to be by my side and I'm going to stare at her for as long as I can..."


"No the girl behind you. Yes you, now hurry up before I pick you up... Ya know what..."

With that Hisoka nonchalantly lifted you into his arms and began his journey to a car, where a dinner awaited you with an ever intriguing man.

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