Chapter 8. Fall for you

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I didn't think it through, it just happened.

I jumped from the cliff.

As I was falling, waiting for my inevitable death by the water below me, I open my eyes, having one last look on the skies above.

But just as my luck would have it, my possible attacker also jumped from the ledge, following suit right above me.

Well, atleast when I die, he dies with me.


After a minute or so, I resurface back from the water, releasing the breath I have been holding.

I didn't die.

Wait.. I DIDN'T DIE!

Jesus! Thank the heavens I'm alive!

Although my happy thoughts got cut off when I hear another splash just right in front of me.

Now I'm definitely gonna die.

I frantically made an attempt to get away from him but failed as I feel a hand clamped down my wrist.

I was about to scream when I heard his voice.

No fucking way.

"Cherry!" He shouts in a panicked state. "Holy shit, why did you do that?!" His hair falls flat upon resurfacing, giving him a bit of a goofy look, yet still managing to be as handsome as he is.

My heart starts to relax knowing he wasn't some sort of a bad guy that would be of some danger to me.

"Cole?" I asked, surprised.

"You idiot. You almost gave me a heart attack." He breathes out an exasperated sigh, indicating that he too had been afraid of the fall. He runs a hand through his wet hair, causing it to stick up in weird directions. "Why'd you do that?!"

"I didn't know it was you." I sheepishly smile. Did he just jump for me? No way.

But we're the only ones here. He couldn't have just thought of cliff diving could he?

He swims to me, capturing my waist in his arms, as we float just right above the water.

I blush at the contact, surprised that my personal bubble just got intruded.

He rests his forehead against mine, his tensed muscles relaxing the time mine stiffens.

"Stop giving my heart a hard time cherry." He closes his eyes, breathing in and out against my own.

"You took the fall anyways." I chuckle at the thought. He's so unpredictable.

"That's cause you jumped, idiot." He chuckles too. "I would've taken the fall knowing it was you. I would fall for you. Anybody would."

A cold wind brushes against my cheeks causing me to shiver, then I realized it was almost sunset.

"C'mon. Let's go before we both a catch a cold." Cole let's go of me, making me lose his body heat, that I realize how cold the waters were.

We swam to the nearest bank and find our way back to the cliff above. We were both soaking wet and the winds from the night seemed to have dropped by every so often. I let out a sneeze as we were walking back to where Cole's car seemed to be parked.

"The water was so fucking cold." Cole laughs as he noticed that I was practically chattering my teeth away. "C'mon, my car's this way." He grabs my hand, and once again my personal bubble bursts.

Is this normal for him? Cause this is definitely new for me.

Besides Oni, Chase and Merzia, I haven't had any touchy moments with other people.

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to distract myself from the blush creeping it's way to my cheeks.

"My place is not an option, so figured it'd be yours." He smirks as if that totally made sense. "Besides you need to change."

We spot my things just as we walked to where his car seemed to be and I pick everything up. Too bad I wasn't able to finish the drawing.

Maybe next time.

"How about you then?" I ask, referring that he was also wet.

"I got extra clothes in my car. Relax cherry." He smiles at me as if he thinks that it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I blush at the nickname he so likes to call me.

"What's with the blush?" He chuckles.

"Stop calling me cherry. I said my name's Ylona." I scoff, trying to sound irritated but I ultimately fail when my cheeks flush red.

"Aren't you cute when you blush?" He laughs at my expense and all I could do is stare down at the ground hoping that it would crack and eat me up alive.


"What happened?" My sister, with Grey alongside her, asks me in confusion seeing both me and Cole dripping wet.

"We went cliff diving!" Cole says without missing a beat. Sounding so childish, yet I could not have been more grateful that he saves me from explanation.

"Cliff diving?" Oni's face morphs into confusion.

Apparently, the three of them had the same day off and now, they decided to relax in our house.

She ushers us in quickly, and I couldn't have been more grateful with the warmth.

"How was your day?" Oni asks me, slightly uncomfortable, as she hands me a dry towel to wipe myself dry.

"It was great." I reply trying not to sound uninterested.

Was. It was doing great until I decided to cliff dive.

"I'm sorry Li. I know I have been out of the house for quite some time and that you're always left alone and I didn't notice it so soon. God, I'm a terrible siste-" She rambles on and on.

"It's okay Oni. I'm used to it already. Have you forgotten?" I smile, although I could tell she wasn't buying it.

"I promise I'll make it up to you!" She says with determination, fire burning in her eyes.

"That's okay. Besides, I got around town more. So it's going good sis. Relax will ya?" This time she releases the breath she was holding, now relieved with my reassurance, when she sees a genuine smile on my face.

"But still, I've made up my mind." She continues. "Let's go on a trip together!" She squeels, excited.

"Just the two of us?" I ask.

She frowns a little bit. "Well, techinically I have a job to do at Springtrees. I mean, not just me but Grey and Cole too. But the trip's for a week and our job only requires for two days. So that basically means we have the remaining of the week to ourselves."

"Wait, with them?" I ask my sister while glancing over to Grey who's peacefully sitting in the couch and over to Cole who's just changed his clothes.

I forgot I was still soaking wet.

"I was paired with Grey. That's why he's here. As for Cole, he goes where Grey goes." She concludes. "Well anyway back to what I was saying, think of this as you sister's way of apologizing and making up to you. I missed you Li."

This time a full blown smile forms into my lips. "I missed you too sis."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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