The Only One I Ever Saw [Fuyuhiko x reader] (Non Despair AU)

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⚠️swear warning⚠️

"Y/n!!" Sonia beamed as you walked in a little late to class, albeit still sooner than your teacher, Miss Yukizome.
"Hey Sonia!" You greeted, joining the small group that consisted of most of your friends. There was Sonia, of course, she was the first friend you'd made, and Gundham, Kazuichi, and... Peko and Fuyhiko. You didn't exactly know why the pair hung out with you, not that you were complaining, it just seemed as if before.. they were in their own world together. If they ever had a full conversation, it was with one another. Granted, that had definitely changed after they joined your group, but seeming as they didn't have any strong reasoning, it confused you.
"You got a fucking problem, Y/n?" Fuyhiko asked after a while, interrupting your thoughts while you were undoubtedly staring at him.
"Ah, um, no, I don't. I'm sorry." You apologized with a slightly nervous chuckle, cheeks heating up.
"Tch. Whatever.." he muttered, looking to the side. Peko gave him an almost teasing smile for a little more than a second, before being able to wipe the amusement from her face. After picking up on this, you decided it'd be best to listen to the conversation rather than drooling over the guy you had no chance with all day.
"Does poison really run through your veins?? That's!" Sonia was yet again utterly captivated by whatever Gundham had told her, and you shook your head a bit, eyes landing on Souda. He looked absolutely miserable. Poor guy... You gave him a weak smile and he sighed.
    "Gundham-" you began to speak, but before you could, Miss Yukizome came in.
    "Good morning class!" she smiled happily, and of course, that smile was contagious. As everyone filtered through the room to their seats, a chorus of assorted greetings filled the air. You sat behind Gundham, Sonia, and Sonia, and next to Fuyuhiko, who of course, sat beside Peko. Your eyes wandered to Peko. She's  so perfect without even realizing... You sighed with a small smile. She was your closest friend, and knew exactly how you felt about Fuyuhiko. She had no intention of being with him, she claimed multiple times when you had half-heatedly admitted your envy.
    "So! What will we do today, class rep?" Miss Yukizome looked to Chiaki.
    "Well, Ibuki and I were thinking that tonight, we should all get together at her Place to stay the night. She has a massive house, and I think it would be a fun idea." There was a quiet murmur that swept over the classroom, and when a talley was taken, everyone was going to attend. After that, you all didn't do much, just organized who would bring snacks and what activities you hoped to participate in.
    After school, Peko had asked to come over for a bit, insisting that she could just grab a few things on your way over to the listed address. Of course, you allowed her to.
    "Y/n?" she asked, startling you as you were staring off into space.
    "Sorry, Peko, what's up?" You smiled up at her.
    "It just seems that..You have been a lot more quiet and staring off more. Are you thinking about erm, Fuyuhiko, again?" You sighed, you couldn't keep anything from her.
    "Yeah. I just don't stand a chance, you know? I don't even know why the two of you hang out with us. Don't get me wrong, you're my best friend, and I'll always be glad to be with you, but.. before that.. why?" You sighed. "Even then.. his only prior connection to the group would be you.."
    Peko saw where your mind was headed. "I assure you, there is nothing between us. We are just old friends, and at the time, he didn't know anyone else, so.."
    "Right." You smiled, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Peko, that makes sense. You really are the best!" You gave her a tight hug.
    "I also..wouldn't say that you have no chance. You should talk to him about it, Y/n." You sighed and let go of the hug, packing the last of the items you needed into your bag.
    "I just can't. I don't know how. I can't exactly go up and say 'Hey so you know I've been head over heels with you for months now but I've never said anything so all I can do stare at you all day'!" Peko did laugh a bit, and you slung your bag over your shoulder with a small smile. You were going to help Ibuki set up everything, so after you got to where she turned into the street where she lived, you said your goodbyes. You then continued on to Ibuki's house, meeting Ibuki, of course, along with Chiaki and Souda.
    After hours of reorganizing and decorating and setting up, everything was ready. Teruteru had arrived a bit later with the food, and he even had a backup reserve for after Akane and Ryota inevitably ate everything.
Before too long, everyone started to show up. You all laughed and smiled as you talked, played video games, played board games, played party-- a lot of games, did karaoke, and watched movies. But inevitably, the party wound down and everyone was about ready to sleep. The girls were given one room, and the boys another of course, and the six or so that had passed out elsewhere were carried to their spots and carefully tucked in by Akane or Nekomaru. You smiled and got Mahiru to take a picture of Fuyuhiko out cold in Nekomaru's arms.
"He's like a little baby.." she laughed a little when the two of you looked over the photos of that night, but specifically that one.
"Yeah.. He's really cute.." You could feel your face flush as you thought about how much you wanted to be with him, and as you inadvertently exposed yourself.
"I see.." Mahiru smiled a little and headed to the sleeping room with you, and you settled into your place between Sonia and Peko, and she settled into hers between Hiyoko and Mikan, you could hear her quiet
"Goodnight and good luck, Y/n." You mumbled a goodnight as your exhaustion from the party came over you.
When you woke up, it was not morning. It was around two am, and the source of your disturbance was someone fumbling around in the dark. You got up, making sure no one else was disturbed and closed the door behind you when you stepped out. As soon as you did, you immediately knew who was out there.
"God fucking damnit--" a voice whispered angrily, slightly down the hall, where a small table was against the wall, probably the source of the sound.
"Fuyuhiko?" You whisper called, using your phone to dimly light your path to him.
"Y/n? Shit..did I wake you?" He asked almost sympathetically.
"Yeah, but it's fine. Are you ok?"
"Yup, I just ran into the table on accident. What dumbass puts a table in a hallway anyway?" he muttered. You laughed a little at that, and in the dim light you could have sworn you saw his face flush a bit. "Anyway, I just wanted to grab some water.." he mumbled. He was really going down for the leftover cookies, but he couldn't let you know that.
"Mind if I join you?" You smiled a little when he reluctantly allowed you to come along. The two of you managed to get to the kitchen without incident, thanks to you lighting the way, but once you got there and the two of you had your glasses, a heavy silence filled the room.
"I'm sorry." You broke the silence after a while.
"About what?" He seemed genuinely confused, giving you a half annoyed half concerned stare.
"I guess staring at you this morning? I was just thinking, and didn't realize." You mumbled, sipping your water as you felt your face heat up.
"Tch. Don't worry about it, dumbass. It's not a big deal." He looked away from you. Until you laughed a little.
"Alright. Hey, can I ask you something?" You felt his gaze shift back to you as he hummed in approval. "What do you think of Peko?" His face flushed and your heart felt like it was being torn apart slowly.
"She's been my closest friend for so long. We grew up together, so she's really.. Like a sister to me." You laughed when he finished, bittersweet tears stinging your eyes. "Did I say something funny, asshole?" He asked, not noticing your tears until after he spoke. "Erm..Y/n..?"
"I'm sorry, you didn't, I just.. I've been so worried about it for so long.." You laughed more. "It's just silly now." Your face was now a noticeable shade of pink, and his was one to match.
"Why..?" he asked.
"Because for so long I felt like she was the only one you saw.. The only reason you talked to us, you know? And maybe it's still true, but.. You don't love her the way I thought.." You smiled.
"Y-Y/n.." Fuyuhiko stammered. "Damnit, I'm no good at saying this shit.. But.. Y-You're the only one I see." he mumbled, looking down. You could feel your face grow from pink to red.
"Wh-What do you.."
"The fuck do you think I mean, dumbass? I mean this..!" he quickly moved and kissed you, pulling away before you had the chance to process what was happening. You smiled after and hugged him tight, which he would never admit that he adored. "C-C'mon, let go.." he muttered. You did, but, after the two of you went back upstairs, you couldn't sleep.


1,619 words! A new record! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. I've been trying to write longer stories, so I'm kinda proud of this, even though it's not the best.


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