Chapter 10(Ivy)

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After we escaped from the battle...we ran in the forest so the soldiers can't see us.
It was already night..I don't know...
-Let's stay here....said Mary.... after we arrived in a cave.
It was surprisingly big.
-We can spand the night here.said Mary
She took something from her backpack...a tablet and start drawing and searching maps.
She was like"Google,how to get to certain death?"
The sky was blue and the stars were shining like diamond in sun's light.
We were very exausted so all off us closed our eyes and fall asleep.
Next day I woke up earlier.Apollo awasn't with his sun on the sky.
I saw a group of kids coming in our direction.
I think there were seven..
-Guys...wake up...we have company....
Everyone wake up so quick.
And then I realised there were the 7 demigods from the other mission and also our friend.
Maria Brown(daughter of Hades),David Sky(son of Zeus),Alesia Coller(daughter of Afrodita),Andrew Collin(son of Hermes and also my cousin),Adrien Brando(son of Dyonisos),Seamus Race(son of Ares) and Filotea Dominis(hauter of Artemis).
I saw Andrew and I ran at him.
-Andrew!Andrew!and I hug him.
The next thing that I saw it was Finnic living in the darkest spot from the cave.
He didn't liked dark places so I knew something is happening.

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