We were in front of the doors of the Empire States Building.It was a cold night...but the wind
was blowing...leaving a nice summer air.
The stars were shining like little pearl with the most biggest pearl...the moon..Everybody was looking at the building's roof.
-Okay...said David ironically....let's go to an ancient place filled with gods that can kill us just because we can't take care of an pet..
Mary smiled.
-Let's go.
They took the aquarium with the Ophiotaurus and entered in the building.
-So...what do we do now?...asked Arthur..
-We wait....said Ivy.
We did what Ivy said.We waited...and waited....and waited...and waited..and.....waited...you guessed.
Evan if I hated fighting with monsters...that's what I wanted at that moment...some movement...some sport...some something...not waiting over waiting.
I think it was 4 p.m. now.David and Mary finnaly came.
-What took you soo long?!?!asked everybody in an unison.
-We had to wait the gods to decide if they would kill us or not.
-Okay.............said Maria..
-The gods said that we should go back in camp....
-Well...said Ivy...that means our mission is done...right.?
-Oh.and....said David...Apollo told me a poem and he said that we are supposed to understand it.It sounds like this:
"The mission you finnished
The animal is here,
The monsters are screaming
And you are alive
But there's one thing I have to tell
About my son about the rest
You have to fight another monster
You have to take another fight
You have to win another battle
In your way back home you go
Calm and laughing all way there
But in the way you will see
The prophecy will not end here"
-How did you...how did you remember all the verses?asked Mary.
-I don't know...they kept repeting in my head.
-Okay......... said Seamus...
-I think what dad is trying to say is that we will fight one more monster in our way to camp....said Finnic.