Chapter 17(Peter)

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So... Yey..We have ro fo another imposible thing befor we return to camp.I think everybody else will present this mossion as a an adventure....but..believe me,is not.Monsters are hunting you one else tell about all the fights that we fad with minor monsters...everybody have a different perspective.I think thise detalies are very important.Anyways...I may somethimes be boring and poetic at the same time.
We had to go to camp...but we had a problem...
-Ah...guys..said Seamus...We have a problem.
I saw Seamus's face.He is rarely scared...but now he was terrorized.
I looked at what Seamus was looking.In the distance there was a giant and black spot.
As rhe spot was getting closer I could see it was a apider...a giant spider.
-Oh no...said Mary with a trembling voice...A...A..Aran...Aranchne...No..Why Aranchne.?
Everybody prepered its weapon and was ready to fight.
-Well...well...well...said Aranchene...What do we got here...A daughter of Athena and her stupid friends...
Her voice was making me crazy...the sound...kept repeating in my head.
-Too bad that I have to finish you...Mary Chase..
I was about to ask her how did he got out from Tartarus..but that didn't matter.
-NO..You are the one who is going to be finished...and send back to Tartarus..said Mary.
She said this words like she was prepeared.Like she spended nights thinking of a speech.
-Your idiot mom beat me...but I want revenge...And a god can't die...but demigods can..
My ears was hurting.I felt like blood was flowing from them.
While Mary was talking with Aranchne...I,Anastasia,David,Finnic and Arthur
slipped behind her...waiting for the best moment to attack.Evan ifary was talking...she was giving orders with her eyes..calculating and buoilding a plan in seconds.
Mary winked.That was the sign.The sign to attack.Arachne turned her back.
-Did you really tought I am that stupid?said Arachne.
-No..said Mary....We think that you are this stupid...
After saying this words...she attacked Arachne transforming her into dust.
-How did you knew she was coming?Arthur asked. didn't knew...I just guessed...answered Mary.
She started to laugh nervously.
-Oh really...said Ivy...
-We know when you arr lying.
-Okay...okay...I've been recieving Iris messages of Arachne making plans from Tartarus...the only person who knew was David..I told him when we were in the elevator....
-Okay...said Anastasia.
-But why only her?asked Ivy...Maybe there are lots of monsters out ther who wait.
-I don't know...once I had a dream...I think I was 10....I had a dream about a spider...about Arachne.. I saw a girl who made a beautiful tapestry...made with gold thread..the tapestry ilustraded the gods...the way they use their magic incorrect.the girl was hited by a lighting and dissapeared...before I woked up I heard a voice saying:"You'll fight me again ... but I promise ... that I'll be back every time ... Alone ... I do not need monster armies to show you,gods, you are not better."

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