Chapter 23(Anastasia)

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I started the morning with my regular activities.
I woke up hearing the sound of sea,I washed my face with water from the fountain in my cabin,I changed in my favorite T-shirt,a blue and black T-shirt, and I went to the breakfast.
There,everything was normal..but something was missing...were was Ivy waking me with jokes,or Mary walking with my by the lake in the morning,or Peter?I started to worry.Chiron started his speech and all the kids were now eating.I saw Mary and Ivy sneeking.I calmed down.I thought something happened.
After seeing Mary smiling I knew something happened.Ivy was looking nervously talking with all the kids from Athena's cabin.Something wasn't right.Mary never smiles and Ivy don't talks that much.
After the breakfast,I ran to my friends asking what happened.
-What?...Nothing?said Mary dreamy.
-I'll explain you know how Mary acts somethimes.See you at the lake in ten minutes...I have to stop Mary from smiling....she is becoming creepy..
I looked again at Mary's face and Ivy dissapeared.
I walked to the lake and I set on the ground waiting for Ivy and Mary to come.
I waited for about 5 minutes and they came.Mary was now evan more serious than before.
-Hi...she said slower..
-Hi...what's the deal?I asked curiouslly.
-Mary...Ivy said...would you tell her?
-Yeah...yeah...but quick...I have to meet someone...she said as she blushed.
-Ok...I said not asking about the misterious "someone".
Ivy was almost laughing everytime she was looking at Mary.
-Look...Anastasia...Do you remember what Chiron told us...about a special kind of soulmates,only found every 100 years..?
-Well...yesterday...I was patroling and....and I saw David singing..I spend time with him and our tattoos went crazy.The lines formated a heart and we had the same heartbeat.
I probably started to smile while I was looking in her glowing eyes.
-And yeah..that's you excuse me...I have to go..
-Yeah...go meet David and I will stai here with Anastasia.Ok?
-Ok...she said already running.

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