Chapter 4

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I couldn't sleep well that night, which could have been the result of me sleeping on the chair that was in the corner of my room. I could still feel the sting of my fathers hit against my face. That had been the hardest he'd ever hit me. I'd never fallen onto the ground from one of his hits. The entire time that I was out there with my father, it reminded me of when Noah hit me, and it scared me even more. But throughout all of that, I thought of Calum. Maybe it was because he had been my savior when Noah hit me.

I checked the time on my phone and it said 4:21 a.m. I looked over to my left and saw Dahlia lying on her stomach, sprawled out on the bed. At the sight of Dahlia sleeping comfortably, I debated on whether or not to call Calum. I opted to text him instead.

"Hey Cal, call me or text me back when you can." I sent the text with hope gripping my heart tightly. I put my phone down on the arm rest next to me. Almost as soon as I sent the text, I got a phone call. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He sounded frantic. A tear slid down my face. "C-can you come pick me up? I need to get out." I gave him my address and he said he would be here soon. I got up out of the chair and walked into my bathroom.

I turned on the light and was appalled by the dark blue/purple bruise on my face. My hair was starting to fall flat again, and my makeup was smeared. I pulled my hair up into a bun and smoothed my makeup out. If Calum were going to see this bruise, then he was going to see it in all of it's glory. I knew deep down inside that I couldn't tell him what happened, so I would make something up, something believable. It was the middle of Summer, so I threw on a tanktop and shorts with sneakers.

I turned off the bathroom light and closed the door lightly, to ensure that I didn't wake Dahlia. I walked down the hall and left a note on the kitchen counter, explaining that I was with Calum and I would be back soon, and to help herself to any food. I opened the front door, and then shut it behind me as I made my way down the stairs of my apartment complex. As I rounded the last corner at the bottom of the stairs, I saw Calum pull up into the parking lot. He saw me walking towards him, and he got out of the car and ran towards me. As he ran toward me, rain began to fall, and thunder escaped from the sky.

He ran to me, wrapped his arms around my chest and hugged me tight. I put my face into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck. He put a hand to the back of my head and held me like that in the rain. He tried to move my face so he could see me, but I moved so he wouldn't see. "Okay, so, where do you want to go?" I shrugged my shoulders as he sat me back down on the ground. "Anywhere really. I can't sleep or focus, I just, wanted to be with you." He smiled and we walked over to his car, and got in.

"How about I take you to meet the lads? Would that be o- HOLY FUCK. ELIZABETH. WHO DID THIS." Calum was looking at me, focusing on the bruise. I looked down at my hands in my lap. "Yea, meeting them would be fantast-" I was cut off by Calum raising his voice. "ELIZABETH WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU. DONT CHANGE THE SUBJECT PLEASE." I looked him in the eye. "I was helping Dahlia out of the car, I went to open the door and she opened it first, hit me in the face." He grabbed my hand. "Are you okay?" I nodded. He knew I was lying, but didn't want to push it any further. He was one to respect your boundaries, which was great.

"Okay, well, I guess we're off to meet the boys now. And fair warning, they can be kind of strange." I laughed to myself as he started the car. "Calum, I've known you almost my whole life. You're pretty strange yourself." He glanced over at me and made a sarcastic laugh. He backed out of the dark parking lot as rain streaked down the windshield. Thunder cracked and I looked at Calum as he drove. He was silhouetted by the lights that we drove past, and he looked focused, angered, and yet, happy.

He looked over and caught me looking at him. "May I help you?" He laughed. I looked down at my hands. "Sorry, you just looked content." He smiled and took my hand, he kissed it, then placed it back in my lap. He turned the radio on, and we continued the drive to his shared apartment. Before I knew it, we pulled into a garage. Calum stopped parked the car, and got out, then opened the door for me to get out. We walked up some stairs and came to the door. "Another warning,they can be immature, but they're totally cool, promise." Calum opened the door and we both walked in. "Lads, this is Elizabeth."

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