11- Adrien tells the truth

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(Prepare for a lot of swearing at the start?)

Adriens POV

I am ready to kill Luka. I swear to god he fucking humiliated her like that.
"How much longer will this fucking bus take to get to his hotel Juleka?" I growled out. The class stared in fear.
"O-Only two m-minutes" she managed to get out.

Once we got to the hotel we all stormed up to his room. I practically kicked down the door.
He got up from the couch half naked with a girl underneath him.
"How did you get it" he coughed out
"I kicked your shitty door down, now you better fucking explain why you  humiliated one of my best friends?"
He let out a dry, cold laugh.
"Marinettes stupid, she's inexperienced, she's a hopeless romantic, I thought I'd be funny to use her and play her like the little doll she is, I didn't get to do everything I wanted to though, maybe I should have fucke-"
I punched him hard.
"Adrien" Nino warned trying to hold me back, I struggled out of grip though.
Luka staggered back groaning, I ran to him and grabbed him by the throat.
"You fucking try anything on her again and I will break your neck" I growled.
He was gasping for air at this point so I let him go and left the room.
"Adrien!" Nino said running up to me "Dude! What was that! you got so defensive over Marinette"
"Okay! Sure I did" by this point everyone was around us waiting to find out why,
"But why dude?"
I sighed, I was about to admit it for the first time out loud,
"BecauseifuckingloveMarinette! So so much!" I said. Everyone around us cheered. I just blushed a little,
"I now owe Alya 20 bucks"
"What about Ladybug" Chloe asked,
"At first yeah I thought I liked her, but I guess I don't know anything about her, she's a superhero and I'm just a normal person (🙄😂) it would have never worked out, and have you seen Marinette! She's an angel!"
Nino just laughed,  "Dude, you've got it baddd!!"

We all made our way back to the hotel and I all went to check on Marinette as everyone else went to get some food. I saw her sleeping on top of Alyas lap. I let out a breath I didn't realise I had been holding.
"Is she okay?" I whispered sitting next to Alya.
"Yeah, poor girl cried herself to sleep"
I stared at her, trying to find even just one flaw on her face, there is literally none.
"Adrien, I'm hungry, do you mind staying here with her?" Alya moaned
"No it's okay, can you buy me a drink of water? I'll pay you back?"  She nodded and stood up making the sleeping girl under her groan. I quickly slid under so she wouldn't wake up.
"Thanks Adrien" I gave a thumbs up as she walked out the door.

"God you didn't deserve that" I whispered playing with her hair a little. I pulled out my phone to see if my father had decided to check up on me.
Of course he hadn't. I layed back on Alya and Marinettes bad, and gently placed marinette next to me. I still think I should have gone harder on luka. Marinette didn't deserve to have that
done to her. I slowly began to close my eyes and before I knew it, I was asleep.

Thank you for readingg! I Ik I said next chapter would be out on Wednesday but I got bored so I decided to do it now. It's not the longest because I'm grounded so technically I shouldn't be on this right now but yeah 😂 have a nice day/night ❤️❤️

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