#3 Overwhelmed by fans

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Your relationship with Michael hadn't been confirmed to fans yet, just photos of the two of you walking the streets of London together had been released. Tonight 5 Seconds of summer were supporting One Direction at Wembley! You had bought yourself tickets and planned to text Mikey later on that night to meet you and tell him how brilliant he was. You didn't tell him you were coming prier because truth be told, he would shit himself if he knew you were in the crowd.

You walked into your block after getting a drink and your ticket scanned. Taking a seat the venue was already quite full and you noticed the attention of a few girls in rows ahead of you. After a few minutes a group of around 15 girls were walking towards you asking various questions from "Can I have a picture with you?" to "Have you fucked Michael yet?"

Their group caught the attention of many other girls from around your area and before you knew it way too many people for your liking were surrounding you. The security guards thankfully noticed and told you if you could give them proof you knew indeed knew Michael that he would happily escort you to their seating.

The fans completely made you lose your breath as they all surrounded you but a kind girl found a report on you and Michael and showed it to the security guard.

In the mix of all of the drama you had missed 5 seconds of summer on stage and you let a few tears fall probably ruining you make-up.


"Y/N? Y/N what's wrong? What are you doing here?" Mikey asked running up to you as you opened the door to their suite.

"I-I came to watch you on stage and I guess the fans asking so many questions got me a little panicked that's all" You mumble hugging into his warm body.

For the rest of the night you sat watching the 1D boys singing on stage while having a laugh and drink with Ashton your best friend and Michael your boyfriend.


"Why did I agree to coming on this flight with you? There's going to be fans and I look a mess after 10 hours on a plane" You giggle nervously.

"Hmm.. Because you love me?" Ashton replies and you can't fault his answer one bit.

"Here put my hoodie on and stay close to me, yeah?" He asks and you accept his hoodie walking down the plane steps.


After getting your passports checked you were finally in the baggage collection area and could hear a mass amount of fans screaming in the 'Arrivals' section.

"Y/N put your bag on here" Calum taps your shoulder pointing to a trolley. (Cart if you're from a land other than England😂)

Finally it was time to walk out to the car and you were nervous, you had only had a few fan interactions before and big crowds tend to scare you.

Ashton grabbed onto your hand and a group of around 40 girls and a few guys began to scream trying their best to get a selfie or signature with him.

You knew you had to get yourself out of the situation and let go of Ashton's hand squeezing your way through the crowd.

Eventually you got outside and could have a breather.

A worried Ashton came running out of the doors around 5 minutes later.

"Y/N why did you run off? When you let go of my hand I thought someone had hurt you" He frantically blurts out cupping both of your cheeks with his warm hands checking over you body as if he was seeing if you were OK.

Calum: (Changing it up a bit this one's going to be where fans overwhelm you by being nice)

Life could never be completely the same now that you were going out with Calum Hood but you never counted yourself as being a celebrity.

You wouldn't dream of labeling yourself as a celebrity, being able to eat a full tub of ice-cream to yourself, being the only real talent you possessed.

You did get noticed more and more as the days passed but you were always polite about it and still enjoyed going out into the world, specifically the odd supermarket trip now and then.

Today was one of those days and you tended to like spending your time looking through all the different foods.

Word obviously got out that you weren't exactly looking your 'best' dressed, in your favourite t-shirt of Calum's and a pair of leggings.

As you walked out of the supermarket a few girls with a parent walked over to you politely asking you for a photo and handed you a fan book for Calum and the boys.


Later on that night you followed the girls on twitter and decided to look through the fan book.

They had obviously put a lot of thought and time into it and you found yourself nearing tears when you got to a page dedicated to you and Calum.

The page was filled with pictures of the two of you and even a funny cartoon that depicted Calum and you with a baby.

With this you grabbed your iPhone and FaceTimed Cal explaining/ showing how cute the book was finally letting your tears flow.


You had always been one to focus on the negatives rather than the positives, probably because you felt there was always the need for improvement in your life.

So when it came to your attention that some fans didn't like the fact that you and Luke had release that you were in a relationship you didn't particularly want to be seen together by the press anymore.

Today you only had two lessons at college and so spent you break drinking Starbucks revising for maths.

You took you phone out and checked what was trending.

'#5SosLoveY/N' Immediately caught your attention and you tapped on it to find the culprit behind this all was Luke.

'@Luke5SOS: Some of you guys haven't been welcoming to Y/N and I hope you know nothing will stop me loving her #5sosLoveY/N'

That one message made you smile to yourself and you checked some of the replying tweets (The thousands of them)

Almost all of the messages you read were supporting you, some telling your how beautiful they thought you were.


Lol Luke's is kinda shit lol.

Sorry about that I kinda ran out of ideas but yeah anyway message me some requests if you like and follow me on IG and Twitter... Twitter: @BegOfConnor Instagram: @ffsemma (New account)

Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment and vote <3

Oh and I didn't really mean for all the .gifs to be of Michael they're just the ones I found and the ones that made me laugh at the time.

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