Chapter 3-Flashback: How They Met (Part 2)

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Third Person P.O.V


The sun is rising just over the horizon, signaling that a new day has begun. And suddenly, there was a flash of yellow coming from the Pokemon Centre, and a scream!

"Pikaaa...chuuu!!!" Pikachu had used thunderbolt on a raven-haired trainer.

"AHHH!!!" Ash screamed.

After he recovered from the thunder bolt, he glared at Pikachu.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!!" He yelled.

"Pika pikapi pikachu pi pichu pika pikapi chu pikachu chu!" Pikachu protested. Waving his arms around, as if trying to say 'I tried waking you up but you didn't, so I was left with the conclusion of using thunderbolt on you'.

"Okay, okay. Where is everyone?" Ash asked, looking around the room that the boys stayed at.

"Pika pi." Pikachu motioned him to get dressed and come down to breakfast. And with that he was out the door, leaving Ash to quickly get dressed and head downstairs for breakfast.

When he  went down, he saw everyone having breakfast already. Made by Clemont, of course.

"Good Morning." Ash greeted.

"Good Morning!" They greeted back.

"So, what time are we leaving?" Gary asked.

"Probably after breakfast. Because it's a long trip to Alola. And we have to get there before sunset." Ash replied.

"Alright then, let's finish up and go pack." Delia suggested.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Hey, mom. Didn't you leave your stuff back at Pallet town?" Ash asked, taking a huge bite of his pancakes.

"I called Professor Oak this morning and told him to send some of our stuff to Alola." Delia replied.

"Hey, that reminds me: Aria, is Palermo okay with you going to Alola?" The honey-blonde haired girl asked the red headed Kalos Queen.

"Uhh...I'm pretty sure she'll..." Aria paused for second. "...not be okay with it." Everyone sweatdropped.

"Then how are you supposed to come with us? You can't just disobey Palermo." Serena asked.

"I'll figure something out." Aria smiled.

"Why don't I talk to her?" Serena asked.

"Uhh... Serena you don't have to do that." Aria said. But Serena already got out of her seat and walked to the video phone.

"Too late." Alain said.

After Serena came back, she had a frown on her face.

"What'd she say?" Max asked. Although, everyone knew the answer by the look on her face.

"SHE SAID YES!" Serena exclaimed, jumping up and down. All signs of her frown gone.

Aria stared at her in disbelief.

"She just...said yes?" Aria asked the excited honey-blonde.

" But I managed to convince her. I told her you'd come back to Kalos when there's a performance you need to be at, or if she wants to talk of something important, she could just call you." Serena explained.

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