Chapter 5-Arrival and their secret weapon

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Third Person P.O.V

It was sunrise the next day, and the ship had docked on Melemele island.

"They're here." A man on top of Melemele  island whispered to himself. "They better be prepared of what's to come. Because it ain't pretty."

-Down at the docks-

"Finally!" A brunette exclaimed.

"I wonder what exquisite tastes there are here in Alola." Cilan wondered. (A/N: *Nova* Don't ask. I have no clue. XD)

"We should register at the Pokémon Centre." Norman, May's father suggested.

"I agree. Come on." Flint, Brock's father agreed.

"Hey, wait a minute. Where's Brock?" Misty asked, looking around. Although, she was not looking for Brock, she was looking for the 'prettiest' girl there.

They spotted him on one knee proposing to a blonde-haired girl. Who just so happens to be Bonnie. She was trying her best not to order Dedenne to use nuzzle. Instead:

"Who would want to marry you?" And she walked away with a scowl on her face.

"Wow, rude much?" Dawn muttered.

On the other hand, Misty was pulling at Brock's ear.

"Couldn't you see she was too young for you?! She was barely 18!" Misty scolded while Brock was crying anime tears.

"Such a kid." Iris said. (A/N: *Nova* I don't think I had to mention her name. You guys would probably have guessed it by the phrase itself.)

"Alright, kids. We better be heading to the Pokémon Centre before all the rooms are taken." Johanna, Dawn's mom suggested.

"Yeah you're right Johanna, there's a heck lot of people here for the tournament." Drew said looking around the crowded dock.

"Alright, I think the Pokémon Centre's this way." Caroline, May's mother said as she pointed to the left.

"Then what are we waiting for! I'm starving! Let's go!" May exclaimed, and in a flash there was only a cloud of dust in her place.

"Uh...Didn't we just have breakfast?" Trip asked, confused.

"That's May for ya." Dawn said.

"She's always hungry." Misty continued.

"And she eats like a Snorlax." Drew finished.

"But she has a stomach bigger than a Munchlax." Dawn said again.

"Well, we better hurry before we get a lecture on how not to be late from May. And you know how I hate lectures."

Everyone picked up their pace at that last phrase Misty said. Seems like none of them likes lectures.

-At a café close to the docks-

Ash's gang was having a little conversation when they heard someone come in. It was Bonnie, and she had a disgusted look on her face.

"What happened, B?" Max asked.

"Ugh, someone proposed to me." She said, as she took a seat next to Max.

Max although didn't have a sign of jealousy. He was actually trying to hold back his laughter.

"Lemme guess. Brock?" Ash asked.

"Yeah. Can't he see I'm only 15?!" Bonnie asked, almost screaming the last part.

"Oh, he can't. He can only see how pretty a girl is." Max said putting a hand around Bonnie's shoulder.

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