Chapter 6-Registration and good news

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Hey, guys!

This chapter is dedicated to Jayvaughn123 jpokecpoand everyone else who has voted for my book, as a thank you for the votes.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


-At Pokemon Centre-

"Where are we supposed to register again?" May asked.

They were in their hotel room at the Pokémon Centre. The Pokémon Centre hotel rooms in Alola were HUGE! About 6-7 rooms in each hotel room. May and Misty shared a room. Norman and Caroline shared a room. Flint and Lola in another. Dawn and Iris in another. Drew and Trip in the next. Brock and Cilan in the sixth and Johanna in the last one.

"I think it was in the Pokémon Centre registration desk?" Dawn replied, unsure.

"Yes, but you can't register in any Pokémon Centre. I think you're supposed to register in the Pokémon Centre close to where the tournament is held." Brock answered.

"Which island is it held on? Akala island, Ula'ula island, Poni island, Melemele island or Aether Paradise?" Misty asked, listing things off her head.

"Melemele island. It's on the far end." Brock said.

"Is it too far?" Johanna asked.

"No, I don't think so. Just 2 hours on foot. But you can get there faster on Pokémon or a vehicle." Brock replied.

"We're going by Pokemon!" May suddenly exclaimed, out of no where.

Everyone was abit shaken about May's sudden outburst.

"Well, considering the fact you won't walk for 2 hours straight without whining or complaining. I'll agree with you." Drew said, after he recovered.

"Actually, grasshead. If we were seen in public, there might be paparazzi. And also because walking 2 hours is too much." May said, whispering the last phrase.

"You're right. May, Dawn and Drew are top coodinators in Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh. Brock is a famous breeder. Cilan, a famous Pokemon connoisseur. Misty is the best water-type trainer. Iris, a dragon master and Trip, the Unova league Champion. So we'll have to fly." Johanna stated.

Everyone had to agree if they didn't want a paparazzi in their way.

The next day, they packed their belongings and were on their way.

-Pokemon Centre entrance-

"Alright. Now, are we staying at the Pikemon Centre or...?" Shauna asked the rest. They had put on their disguise, so they wouldn't be noticed.

"We'll rent a hotel room. We can't keep going home and coming back here everyday. It's too tiring." Mairin replied.

Everyone nodded in agreement. They walked into the Pokemon Centre. Suddenly, Korrina clutched her stomach and ran to the restroom.

"What happened?" Clemont asked.

"I dunno. I'll go check on her." Bonnie said as she ran the same way Korrina did.

"Come on. We better go register." Max said. As everyone made their way to the front desk where Nurse Joy was at.

"Good Morning. Are you here to register in the tournament?" She asked with her usual, cheery tone.

"Yes, we are. Nurse Joy please register us as Satoshi, Masaya, Mira, Ezra, Nath, Touya, Manon, Mikael, Citron, and Rina. "Ash explained. Giving everyone's fake names.

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