Chapter 16-Let the contests begin!

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And I'm back! long again? It feels like forever! Well, I've been waiting for this specific day to upload.

If you know what day it is, answer here:

Anyway, enjoy my return!

3rd person P.O.V.

The Pokémon Contests were starting today. May, Dawn and Drew were getting ready, even though it's only 8 in the morning. And the contest starts at 5 in the evening. They wanted their routine to be Perfect. As top coordinators of Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh, they were the opening act. Along with the top coordinators of Kanto, Unova, Kalos and Alola. And yes, they were all allowed to perform in the contest.

These 3 coordinators weren't the only ones getting prepared though...

-Aloha Café-

"Okay, Floreges! Let's wrap this up with petal dance!" A teenage girl's voice was heard.

"Bonnie sure is fired up. (A/N: Guess the reference)"Ash commented, smiling.

"Not only her. Mairin and Lana are too." Serena said, looking in the direction of where Mairin and Lana were practicing their routine.

Bonnie, Mairin and Lana, as you might have already noticed, are practicing for the contest. It is pretty early to be practicing, and pretty early for the gang to be awake. These past years didn't just change their strength status.

"Well, they're gonna be having a pretty hard time winning, I'll tell you that." Alain said, taking a seat.

"Can't deny that." Gary agreed.

"Well, we're gonna be the strongest coordinators in that stage. I'd say that everyone else who's taking part in that contest is gonna have a really tough time." Ash said.

"Why exactly are you entering Ash?" Sawyer asked, obviously curious. The raven-haired boy, or should I say man, hadn't told anyone the reason to entering the contest.

"I wanna roast those three sad excuses of coordinators with my own two hands. Seeing their shocked and surprised faces would be so priceless!" Ash stated, laughing a bit.

Everyone sweatdropped. Typical Ash.

"Hey, Jessie, you're entering too, right?" Lillie asked.

The pink-haired woman nodded.

"Yeah. I might not go far, but I'll give it a shot!" She said, grinning.

"Are you kidding? You'll definitely go far! I mean, you've entered so many showcases and contests, and you've even won so many keys and ribbons!" Mairin gushed. Making Jessie blush a bit.

"Well, wonder what those traitors are up to." Trevor thought out loud.

"Practicing, 'regretting' the betrayal, and up to their stupid antics." Ash said, bored out of his mind.

"You know, if you're bored, you can go train. Or practice for the contest at least." Korrina suggested.

"I already did that an hour ago. I had to practice at about 4 in the morning because of the attention I might've got." Ash said, still bored.

"True. What else could you do?" Aria pondered.

"Shopping?" Bonnie asked, coming back from practicing her routine.

"No!" Ash's answer was immediate.

"I was kidding." The lemon blonde giggled.

"Oh! I know! Why don't we have a mini pool party?" Max beamed.

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