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By the time Katya came into the living room, Moya had left, obviously upset at the way Katya had lashed out at her.

As Katya went to the front door to lock it, she thought about calling Moya to apologize to her, but on second thoughts decided not to. Maybe later in the day she would call her friend and apologize for her outburst. For now, she needed a calm head with which to face her boss.

It was almost fifteen minutes later, after Katya had looked at her watch over a dozen times, wondering whether the driver had missed his way, before she heard the doorbell chime.

Katya got up from the couch she had been sitting down on since she entered the living room, said a quick goodbye to Bamboo and then was out of her apartment, walking briskly to the waiting car.

Minutes later, as the car approached the mansion, Katya began to feel uneasy. This would be the first time she would be seeing Damien King after that day in her house that they had shared a very passionate kiss.

Katya shifted uneasily at the back seat of the car, straightening her red knee length skirt that had rumpled a bit from the long car ride. She had wanted to wear something else after the call had come from Damien King but since it was a Saturday, Katya didn't want to come across as overdressed and so she decided to wear the clothes she had planned on wearing for the day.

As Katya looked out the window, the moist afternoon breeze ruffled her long wavy black hair, which she patted down, tucking the hair on her sides behind her ears. She had spent time brushing her hair, wanting it to look and feel extra silky and smooth and until now, her hair looked fit for the covers of glamour magazines.

Katya hissed. All that brushing was all in vain. It had taken less than a minute for the wind to change her hair from silky smooth to flyaway mess.

"Here we are miss," the driver announced, as he stopped right in front of the water fountain, a sight which still mesmerized Katya.

Katya thanked him politely and alighted from the car, steading herself as she looked down at her long red heels. She had especially chosen to wear this heels because it gave her outfit a sophisticated look. And more so, it was an exact match with her red skirt.

"Welcome Ma'am," James the butler greeted as he opened the front door, his usual plastered smile meeting Katya's warm smile.

"Hello James," Katya nodded as she walked past him into the grand living room, its opulent style always leaving Katya flabbergasted at how the very rich lived as though they weren't from the same universe as other human beings.

James closed the door and walking up to Katya said, "This way please. Mr. King will attend to you in his personal study."

"Oh! Okay," Katya said quietly as she followed James, wondering whether James was referring to the same study Damien King had asked Katya to tidy a little over a week ago.

Katya followed James, passing a long hallway and at its end, there was a staircase, its stairs made from what looked like polished marble and its banister of superior wood that shined as though it had just been cleaned.

As Katya climbed the stairs, her hand holding on to the banister, its feel like the smoothness of silk, Katya saw a collection of over twenty framed pictures on the wall, arranged by the staircase in an ascending order.

Because of the fast pace at which James walked, Katya could not really take a good look at the people in the pictures but towards the last staircase, just as she stepped on it, she saw a picture with Chris and a woman who had fiery red hair that was identical to Chris's, who Katya presumed must be his mother.

King of Mine: Book 1 In the King Of Mine Series)Where stories live. Discover now