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Damien King listened to Katya silently, nodding his head every now and then as Katya narrated her story, his eyes betraying the pity he seemed to desperately conceal.

"You have been through trauma no doubt. Sorry Katya. But don't worry, many people have a whole lot of skeletons lurking away deep in their closets," he let his hand linger on Katya's shoulder, rubbing it slowly in a circular motion.

Katya nodded, as she smiled weakly and looked away, pain coursing through her entire being.

She had not told him the whole truth. She had not been sincere to him, and for that she felt bad. Here was a man, who had just poured out his heart to her about what he had gone through as a child, and yet she had told half-truth; half-truth that could barely qualify as a truth at all.

Katya had told Damien King about the story her humotic parents had fed her with; that she was the product of an adulterous affair, a story she knew was far from the truth, thanks to Eric. And yet she had in a moment of uncertainty, on whether to trust Damien King, panicked and fed him with this cock and bull story.

Sadly, as she narrated the lie, he seemed to have swallowed her every word, hook, line and sinker, nodding his head gently and looking at her with eyes filled with pity.

By the time Katya had finished narrating her little lie to Damien King, she felt like the vilest of humans. Why would she repay his trust in this manner? But then again, how was she to know if she could trust him? What foundation had he laid for her to bare her heart and soul to him? While Katya knew that what she had just done was wrong, she also knew that one singular sob story from him wasn't enough for her to lay everything on the line.

"You'll get over this, don't worry. You'll be surprised at the number of people living with far more worse than what you are going through," he assured, his hand massaging the small of her back, as he tilted his head to look at her downcast eyes.

Damien was right, there were so many people who were living with a whole lot of baggage, maybe even far worse than hers. But then, hers was a bad case, one that Damien King hadn't the faintest idea about. How could he, when she had failed to tell him the truth about her ordeal.

"So the person who called, has information about who your biologigal father is?" he asked, still rubbing her back slowly, his touch sending relaxing ripples down Katya's spine.

"Yes, he has information about my biological father, about who I really am," Katya let out a heavy sigh. In fact, what she had just told Damien King was the truth. Eric held the answers to so many questions she needed answers to, one of which was who she really was.

"Just be careful, okay-," he began, getting up from the couch as he stretched his arms forward, with a loud groan. "I need to have an hour or two of shut eye," then looking at Katya, said with a grin, "–and from the way you look, so do you."

Katya smiled as she got up and let out a yawn, covering her mouth with both hands, and then looking at Damien King with eyes that were struggling to stay open guffawed, "It's all your fault that I'm awake."

Damien King chuckled, as his hand reached out and pulled Katya close to himself, "Yes, I admit-," he leaned close to her ear and whispered, "-It's all my fault. But I couldn't stay away."

Katya grinned as she felt his warm breath fan her earlobe, his nearness to her making every inch of her skin tickle and come alive.

"Stay home today. No need to come into the office-," he drew back and then looking into her eyes as his other hand cupped her face said, in a voice that sounded as smooth as silk, " You need to rest, especially now that you are-"

King of Mine: Book 1 In the King Of Mine Series)Where stories live. Discover now