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It was a weepy weekend for Katya, shame and self-pity all competing for attention as she replayed what happened with Damien King. How could she have been so stupid to have let her guard down? What possessed her to imagine that she and Damien would every share anything but the same office building, that in itself being a privilege?

The weather wept along with Katya, the skies emptying its contents, unrelenting in its bid to be felt, its mood mimicking the gloominess that arrested Katya's heart. The weather suited Katya just fine; the eclipse of brightness in the sky reflected the mood she was in.

Katya walked into the kitchen and reached for the stash of chocolates she had hidden in a small compartment of her fridge. This was what stress did to her; it made her eat senselessly, forgetting the many hours of workout it would take to burn one chocolate bar.

Darts! Why was she so gloomy anyway? It wasn't as if Damien King was the only man in the world.

'To me he is,' she murmured, grabbing a Twix bar, before heading back to the living room. Staying in the bedroom worsened the way she felt, so she had spent most of Saturday and today lounged in the living room talking to Bamboo, who rambled in the few words he knew.

Katya slumped on her red couch, as she began to unwrap the jumbo sized chocolate, stealing a look at her blank twenty four inches plasma screen, which hung on the wall close to Bamboo's cage. With the search for work and busy schedules since she started working at Wilson and Wilson, it was almost impossible to have a lazy weekend, let alone watch anything. Maybe she should watch something, a goofy movie, something to cheer her up.

Katya got up slowly, the crumbs from the Twix bar flying all over the carpet as she did. Normally, she would eat any chocolate or snack in the living room with great care, using a saucer to hold any crumbs in place.

Katya walked over to the plasma and stood there, looking at its dark black screen, undecided whether to watch a film or not. She was fed-up of having a pity party about the situation she was in, but getting herself to lift from this gloomy feeling was becoming an impossible feat.

Katya turned sharply, at the sound of the doorbell. The last thing she wanted to do right now was entertain anyone.

Ugh! Why couldn't people have the decency to call first before coming over? Katya had stressed this like a hundred times to her friends, family and anyone that cared to listen, but human beings being naturally selfish would always do things their own way.

Katya hissed. She was still in her pink cotton pajamas and her hair looked worse than a bird's nest, all the tossing and turning of the night before not helping matters.

Katya raised her hand up and bent her head to her underarm to sniff; well at least she still smelt of baby powder, the one thing she never missed rubbing her entire body with every night she showered, just before bedtime. The smell of lavender baby powder always had a way of relaxing her and putting her to sleep.

Sluggishly, she walked to the door, squishing the empty pack of Twix in her hand and dropping it by the side table.

She stared into the peephole and frowned. It was a courier delivery boy, wearing a frown that revealed he really didn't want to be outside her door on a Sunday.

Katya opened the door slightly and sized the delivery boy, his age no more eighteen, if he was up to. No wonder he wore a sullen look. Katya was sure he had a list of way more fun things to do on a Sunday than deliver packages.

"Yes?" Katya looked at him questioningly. On a normal day, she would have said hello and flashed a smile. Today was not such a day, and right now, Katya wanted him to hurry along so that they wouldn't waste each other's time. He clearly didn't look like he wanted to be outside her door and she also didn't want him disturbing her peace, package or not.

King of Mine: Book 1 In the King Of Mine Series)Where stories live. Discover now