Oh No

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Kira's Pov
    My eyes flutter open oh geez I'm sweating yh right I just woke from a bad dream I really haven't had one in a very long time. Richeal and Sofia are asleep on my bed wow we really spent the night studying but I still don't understand why I'm awake at 4 am.I walk down stairs to drink some water at least that will calm me down for sure. I drink a bottle but I'm still panicking it's like something bad is going to happen today.Is it the test, will it go bad or it's just something else.I really can't put my finger on it but anytime I have such a dream something bad happens.Last time I had such a dream I woke up to find out that my cat was dead.I just hope something bad doesn't happen this time around.

          I decide to have my last study before the test today since I can't sleep.It's 5am and I move to my room to wake Richeal and Sofia I don't want us to be late for school today.The sight before me is so cute they are asleep on each other it looks like they are fighting for space on the bed.I take a picture of them I'll definitely show it  to them later right now we have to get ready for school.

      "Richeal, Sofia wake up guys we have school remember, now wake up"

       "Mmmmmm no please just a few minutes okay" Richeal begs.

      "Yh Kira just give us 30 minutes" Sofia also coos.

"No guys we have a test today remember last night we studied so hard for it."

They wake up immediately from the bed all evidence of sleep leaving their eyes.Finally they're awake.

   "Richeal go take a shower first I'll follow up later" Sofia tells her.
      "Wait why me you should go first" Richeal protests.

They start arguing about who should take their shower first.I finally speak to end the quarrel.

       "Okay whoever wants to help me make breakfast will take their bath later".

Sofia suddenly runs into the bathroom yep I knew I'll get her here.Richeal and I laugh our hearts out oh God we both know that that Sofia hates the kitchen and anything related to it.Richeal and I go the kitchen to make breakfast we decide on scrambled eggs and cocoa drink.

         In an hour we're all done and off to school.My dad gives us a ride to school and and I feel so grateful he's just the best. We finally get to school and we all get down in a haste seriously this is what a test can do to you.I say goodbye to my dad and rush to class but on my way I feel like someone is looking at me.I turn but I didn't see anyone huh that's weird cos I know that someone was looking at me.I quickly rush to class and take my seat my teacher already has the test printed out so we wait for the rest of my mates to make it class.Okay so everyone is in class but I see an empty seat which I'm sure belongs to the new guy I still wonder who that is.

            It's time for the test and our teacher gives us our papers okay it's show time. I answer every question perfectly because I studied them yesterday with my friends. I catch a glimpse of Richeal and Sofia and I see them smiling yep I know they're gonna do well.The last question though is on our next topic ugh I knew my teacher will do this.I did go through it this morning so I didn't face much difficulty answering it.It's time and my teacher comes round for our papers.Pheew its finally over. 

    "Okay guys I hope you guys studied ahead a little because the last question is on the new topic so if you studied ahead then that question shouldn't be a problem for you."
      He was about to speak when we heard a knock on the door who could that be.
     "Aah it's our new student come on in Jake".

Great!My books just fell off the desk.I suddenly hear gasps and whispers in the class while I pack from the floor okay that's a weird reaction for a new student. I raise my head only to meet the eyes of Jake Reynolds.Oh my God! Suddenly I can't breathe oh God when did oxygen suddenly become deficient in the air.Kira breathe, breathe oh my word I have even forgotten how to breathe God have mercy.I realise that he's looking at me and he gives me a warm smile.Psst screw him who does he think he is.Does he think he can come back after all these years and everything will be fine no freaking way.I did not return his smile and  suddenly his facial expression changes.I'll show you Jake Reynolds,but I have to admit he's looking so handsome. Wait Kira you shouldn't be thinking that way think revenge channel your mind to revenge okay you can do this okay.Yh I can do this.He takes the empty seat which is close to Xavier his childhood bestfriend there's no expression of surprise on Xavier's face so I'm guessing he they've met.

            I still maintain the same expression on my face.Finally the class is over I quickly pack my books into my bag today is Friday so I'll study a little during the week. I really have to escape from Jake I won't be able to control myself if he talks to me.I get out of the class as fast as I can cos I have to catch a cab. I hear someone calling me oh my God it's him I do the first thing that comes in mind, I run.I run as fast as my legs can carry me but to my surprise he's catching up with me.I run out of the school and run to the street leading to my house. Gosh why am I running anyway I'm so tired and my chest is on fire.I finally stop and turn to him I give him a cold glare and he finally stops. Okay 9 years of pain I'll going to give it all to you Jake you'll see.

    He catches his breathe and that gives me time to study his face.He really has become so handsome I can't deny it any longer.

   "Kira why did you run away I just wanted to say hi after so may years"

      "Of hurting an innocent person" I finish his sentence venting all the anger I have felt for years on him.

    "What did you think Jake,that you could just come back after 9 years and everything will be okay huh tell me".

    " But Kira you of all people know I didn't want to go my parents forced me to".

     "Yes your parents forced you to I know but don't you remember the last thing your father said to me.How could he be so cruel to say such a thing to a nine year old girl just because I'm black."

       "My father is dead you know". That stamement really made me sad oh my God I'm so sorry for him.

       " Jake I'm so sorry for your loss but you can't deny the wishes of a dead man.He said he wanted nothing between you and me so please just let me be okay I'm sorry".

        I walk away from him and stop a cab.I get into the cab and I don't know where the tears are from.I just don't know why I feel so bad I feel broken and empty.I just hope that I can stick to everything I told him over there.I just hope so.

            Wow they finally met after nine years what do you guys think. Did Kira do the right thing by pushing him away?
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Xoxo Richeal Aku😘


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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