And it begins.

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        9 years ago

"Kira,kira baby wake up it's your birthday today" my Mum shakes me from my sleep.

"Oh Mum " I finally wake up.
"Happy birthday my little butterfly I hope the Lord grants you all your heart desires .Now wake up you have a party today". My dad walks in with a bright smile on his face.
" My baby is 9 today oh I'm growing old"I giggle
"Yh dad you are growing old really old" we all burst out laughing I always love these moments.
"Hunny freshen we have to get ready for your party today alright"
"Okay mum".

I make my way to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, wow 9 I'm really growing I'm so happy. I hope all my friends make it to the party especially Jake.I see myself smiling in the mirror and wonder  how long have I been crushing on Jake well let's see like forever I think.I hope he comes to party. I'm so excited today I shower and put my clothes on as fast as I can.I make my way downstairs and mistakenly crash into my elderly sister Kalisha.

" Hey kira watch where you're going. Happy birthday by the way".Her face is full of green face mask ugh she's such a beauty queen.

"Thanks Kali"

"I hope your crush comes today " the face I give her has her running into her room.

She always teases me uggh she's so annoying.So far she and my bestfriends are the only people who know of my crush on Jake Reynolds.I miss my besties already I know Richeal and sofia will make it cos if they don't I'll have their heads.
I make my way to the dining area and I see a huge pile of pancakes. My stomach growls at the sight yep I'm hungry.I move to the table and have a huge chunk of the pancake with my favourite orange juice.Satisfied with what I've had I wash my plate and make it to the living room. My parents are discussing my birthday party okay that's cool.I cuddle in between them and oh I love the warmth right now.I'm so lucky to have a family.

"So hunny do you want anything else apart from what we discussed the last time" my mum asks.

"No mum I'm cool" I happily reply

"I'll be busy with the preparations so Kalisha will take you to the mall to buy your dress okay".

" No way I'm doing that" we all turn our heads to my sister who is busy eating pancakes on the dining table.

"Oh come on Kalisha It's your sister's birthday party I'll be busy so please do me this favour okay" my mum begs.

" Fine"she finally gives in with a deep sigh.

My parents stand up and move out of the house to begin the preparations.My sister on the other hand just pulls my arm so hard I feel it will rip out off it's socket.

"Ouch Kali take your time".

She stretches her arm and a cab stops immediately wow I wonder how she does that.

"Get in" she pushes me inside the cab.

We make it to the make to the mall and I realise that all the teenage boys are looking at us no scratch that, they are looking at my sister.I won't lie my sister is really beautiful I mean very very beautiful. She has this model like body and a face of those kind of people you mostly see in magazines.Well as for me let's not talk about me,I look like a frog technically speaking a frog in glasses.

We move to the boutique and my sister tells me to sit.
"No I want to choose my dress" I quickly protest.

"Shut up Kira what do you know about clothes  leave it to we the bosses okay now sit like a good girl okay".

I sigh and give up there's no use fighting with my sister she always wins in the end.She picks out this beautiful purle dress with butterflies in them.Sheez my sister knows me very well I can't help but smile she's really the best sometimes. I take a good look at the dress and I must say the dress is so perfect it suits my personality wait do I even have one by the way.

" Told you to leave it to the bosses we know everything about clothes you know" she proudly says.

"Yh yh" I roll my eyes.

"Let's go pay for this thing wait I didn't get you heels".

"No need mum already got me one but I need a tiara by the way so please help me get one okay".

" Whatever " she says shoving me aside.

We move to the counter and I catch a glimpse of a shiny tiara "Kalisha there's a tiara over there". I quickly go  for it and we pay for the items I just can't stop beaming with smiles my look is finally complete I will look amazing today.

As we wait for a cab Kalisha annoyingly pokes my shoulder.
" Hey kira check it out it's your crush Jake Reynolds" she laughs at the end of her sentence.

"Kalisha will you please stop teasing me it's really becoming annoying".

" Wait but am I lying you like the boy don't you?You should see your face right now you look like a ripe black tomato. I know we don't have anything like that but you are seriously blushing.Look he is coming over".

Oh my gosh he's really coming here erm what should I do should I smile,should I act cool oh God I'm so confused. Please don't let my sister disgrace me oh please oh please oh please.

"Hi Jake Reynolds how are you" my sister asks.Oh my God she's gonna disgrace me real bad I'm in big trouble. I want to just varnish into thin air right now.

"I'm good kalisha erm hi Kira can't wait for your party tonight".

" Oh yh me too I'm sure you'll make it".

"Yh I will and happy birthday".

" Thanks Jake".

"Okay I'm leaving erm see you tonight bye".

" Bye" I let out my breath which I didn't realise I was holding.

"Hey lover girl stop gawking and let's go home". I forgot my sister was even here.

" Don't call me that Kalisha"I stare angrily at her.

"Woah sissy chill I was just joking don't eat me up okay.I won't take him away from you".

" Kalisha! Okay let's go home "

We finally get a cab and go home. I just can't help but think that it's really going to be a long night.A really long long night.

Okay guys my first chapter please send in your comments and don't forget to vote.
What do you giys think about Jakira (Jake+Kira).
Xoxo Richeal Aku.

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