Chapter 7: Sunday Fun-Day

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      I had such a good day yesterday; I wonder what today has in store. Colleen has been teasing me all night last and this morning. She said we were going to hit the mall today, my least favorite place. Colleen and I are polar opposites, she likes rosy pink, sparkles, and shopping, I on the other hand like gray and blue, flannels, and skateboarding. I don't mind wearing makeup as long as its somewhat natural, and pink isn't all that terrible, but sparkles oh hell no.

      Colleen likes shopping for cute cloths and I like shopping for tee shirts and sneakers (preferably Converse and Nike). But the thing we can both agree on is hair, we both love getting our hair done. Last time we did, she convinced me to dye my hair blonde, I liked it, but I miss my brown hair.

      "Liv! I still can't believe it!" Colleen shouted from her side of the room.

      "Well start believing sis!" I shouted back, "are you and Camilla still together? Because you haven't been talking about her lately."

      She swiveled her chair around to face me, "yeah we are, she went to Europe for the summer to hang out with her family."

      "Europe! I want to go to Europe!" I loved Camilla, like a sister, she was so sweet and she really cared about Colleen which was amazing. I really did want to go to Europe, especially Paris, France. Going to Paris is my dream, not many people know this, but I want to open an ice cream parlor in Paris, in honor of Papa.

      "Yeah, I know," she rolled her eyes, "what are you wearing to the mall?"

      I just made a face at her, "this. Is 'this' fine?"

      "Girl we are going to the mall and you're wearing that?"

      "You say that like it's a bad thing," I say showing off my bad-ass Harley Quinn Converse, jean shorts, and black tee that has a cartooned picture of Harley Quinn. Colleen was wearing a maroon skater skirt, a white crop top with jewels on the neckline, and a pair of white heels. Like I said, we are polar opposites.

      We arrive at the outdoor mall and Colleen drags me into Victoria's Secret, her favorite store. We walk into the overpriced store and two workers walk up to us suggesting that we try something on. Ugh, I think I'm going to die. I walk over to the shelf where they displayed their summer fragrances. They have the weirdest names, but the are amazing. I pick up a Coconut Passion and an Electric Beach.

      Colleen walks up to me with two small bags from the cashier. She hands me a card with an address on it. "What's this?" I ask her.

      "The cute cashier invited me to a party and you're coming with me," she replied with a squeal.

      "Dude, you have a girlfriend," I tell her crossing my arms.

      "Oh my gosh stop, you're acting like Cameron!" she shoves me with her elbow and then puts her arm around my neck. I loved Colleen, but sometimes, she forgets about the most obvious thing called... HER DATING LIFE! I don't know how she could forget that she is in love with a very intelligent young woman, who will literally kill her if she found out that Colleen cheated on her.

      "Colleen, I'm serious, you can't do that to Camilla. It would destroy her if she found out that you cheated on her!" I shrug off Colleen's arm from my shoulders and gave her a stern look. "You give back the card."

      "Livy--" her eyes widened as if she was just starting to understand what I was trying to get at, "I'm sorry, ok... I'll give back the card and apologize." Colleen goes back into the store and tells the cashier that she couldn't go, I can tell because I'm watching her through the window. Oh Colleen, she is such a handful.

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