Chapter 16: Break's Over

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Waking up in the morning is hard, especially on Mondays. Spring break was fun up until Friday night, I really don't want to talk about that. Since Troy was in his first year of college, almost second, I don't have to worry about seeing him during my day.

I get out of bed and hop in the shower to get the laziness out. I tie my hair up in a bun and lay out a black t-shirt with the Black Panther logo and a pair of jean shorts. Since it's Monday and I don't care if I look like shit, I put my glasses on and walk out the door. With ten minutes left, I walk over to the kitchen and make myself an iced coffee, I'm so basic it hurts.


I pull into the school parking lot and meet up with Bridget and Megan. We walk over to our usual spot behind the staircase in the Freshman wing and Megan whips out a bag of donuts.

"It's been too long, guys!" I whimper to my friends.

"Yeah, where have you been, Megan and I were together like everyday!" exclaims Bridget.

"Olivia was getting it on!" Megan jumps in, "was it the boy from the party?"

"It's actually a long story," I tell them.

"We have fifteen minutes before the first homeroom bell, go!" say Bridget as she takes a bite out of her chocolate glazed donut.

"Well, I start after Megan left me and the boy, Troy, together at the party. We talked up until I got a text message from-- that's not important, then I grabbed you two and we went home. The next day, I went to my aunt's ice cream parlor and he was there, so we spent the day together and he ended up getting hurt, so we just chilled until the sun started to set. Troy walked me home and then he kissed me," the girls oohed, rolling my eyes I continued the story, "then, Colleen was like 'you got to tell me all the deets!' you guys know her and how she is," I went on and on until the bell rang.

"Aw, I got to go to homeroom. Can we finish at lunch?" asked Megan.

"Are you kidding? Of course she's going to finish at lunch! She was telling us the juicy stuff, if you know what I mean," Bridget says elbowing me and Megan in the arm.

"Alright, Megan see you in Art and Bridge, see you in Math," I tell the girls as we go our separate ways. Oh the joy, going over my week was a lot harder than I expected.


After math class the bell rings us to go to lunch, I got to a table behind a tree which became our spot for our whole four years of high school. Meg and Bridget walk together to the table both with red trays in their hands.

"Okay, you may proceed the story," said Bridget with an English accent.

"Where was I?" I ask because I lost my place.

"You were having sex," Megan barges in.

"Ugh, you guys are the worst. Okay, so that happens and then we fall asleep. A few hours later Colleen walks in all drunk and this other girl helps her-- not important, then Troy asks if I want to go another round," the girls make a face of disgust, "I know right, I thought it was kind of weird too."

"But wasn't your sister there?" asked Megan just for clarification.

"Yeah," I replied.

"I'm sorry, continue."

"So the next day, I see that he wasn't there, he had an early job interview. I go the cafe my sister works at and tell her manager she was 'sick,' but then I hear a familiar voice talk to the barista, it was her girlfriend, Camilla, who was 'supposedly' in Europe."

They gasp, "no!" they both say dramatically.

"Oh yes," I finish telling them my week's story and they were in complete shock.

"How could he do this to you?" shouted Megan.

"And here I thought I had a bad week!" exclaimed Bridget, "the cute guy from the aquarium rejected me, but that's a spec of dust compared to yours, I mean like OOF!" I cross my arms and shake my head. "Was that too much?"

"Just a little," I say as we throw away our trash and head back to class.

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