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Text Message with Ginger 🥝

Hey Kage are you busy?

Ginger 🥝:
Never too busy for you.
What's up?

It's a bad day Kage...

And Dr. Stevens is unavailable at the moment
so I can't talk to anyone.

Ginger 🥝:
Well I'm here.
Are you okay?

Well I thought I was. But when
I got to set today something just felt off.

I was off when I got up from bed too
but I pushed that away.

Then I remembered what today was.
It's Ezra's birthday... he would have been 23.

I know I shouldn't be feeling
bad he had a good life.
He did what he loved. But it just
feels like he got cheated you know?

Ginger 🥝:
Hey, Colls listen to me. Whatever you're thinking don't. He had a good life.
You know that. And it's better to keep remembering the good times and don't dwell to much in the past or present.

Ginger 🥝:
Collins? You there?

Yeah I'm here.
Baz just texted me. He and the
boys are in town for tour.
They want to grab lunch.

Ginger 🥝:
Hey you should go. Aside from you,
they were closest to him. I'll be here
when you're finish.

Thanks for talking to me.
You're seriously the best.
And being so patient.

Ginger 🥝:
I meant what I said
on your birthday. Always.


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