Graduation Day

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Amaya's POV

I woke up and turned to my right to look at the supposed alarm clock. I didn't mean to through it at the wall it just wouldn't shut up.I get up and get dressed in a red shirt that's low cut and some black pants with my kunai strapped to my right leg and walk into my Dads room. Things have been hard on us ever since the day I was born. I've tried running away just to lighten the burden on my Dad,but the second I get to packing he comes in and gives me this huge speech about how we should stick together and I would break his heart if I left. I walk out the door going to Narutos' house seeing as he's probably not even up yet. I swear this child is so irresponsible if I wasn't here he would have no one literal. I feel kinda like his mom since that incident,but we don't really talk about that.

" Naruto are you up?!?!?" I screamed knocking on the door. No response.

"Don't make me break this door I will!" I warn. Next thing I know the door is slammed open to reveal a sleepy looking Naruto dressed in a white shirt and blue pajama bottoms.

"Amaya why do you always do this to me?" Naruto asks groggily.

"Because I care about you and I don't feel like watching you getting yelled at by Iruka sensei it makes me feel like I'm in trouble." I say sitting down on his brown couch. His sits down beside me laying his head in my lap trying to go back to sleep. I look beside me a see some flowers in a vase that are dead,but the water is still there.

"Hey Naruto are you tiered?" I ask him. He nods his head.

"Amaya I'm gonna kill you!" Naruto screams dripping water on the floor. I start laughing so hard I land on the floor.

"Oh Amaya do you need help up?" Naruto asks with a smirk on his face.

"Nnnnnnnooooooo!" I scream as he hugs me. I slap him on the arm then the leg and last the head.

"Ow." Naruto whines rubbing his head. That's what you get. Naruto walks to his room and gets dressed while I look at the clock and I start to freak out I run into Narutos' room and pull him out grabbing his keys and locking the door. Naruto gets the message and starts running to the academy.

We run into the room and get pined down by Iruka Sensei.

"So did you really think you could skip my class Naruto? and Amaya you too I thought you were so much better than this I guess I'll just have to involve your father." He says getting up as we both take deep breaths from being squished.

"I went to get Naruto and we got side tracked." I said with no emotion in my voice.

"Well just watch the time next time now go sit down." Iruka sensei says pointing to our seats.

"Thanks Amaya." Naruto says walking to his seat. I nod my head in his direction and sit by Sakura, which is the most annoying girl in the world.I lay my head down not really wanting to be bothered by anyone when Sakura starts screaming about Sasuke. I sigh and block out the noise when Iruka sensei tells us to get in a line for our graduation test. I stand up and get behind Naruto as he giggles like an idiot. Everyone goes passing when it's down to Naruto and me. I look at him hoping he'll get it right this time after all that training with me.He goes getting real happy,but made a interesting,half dead looking clone.I feel bad for him because I helped him a lot on it too,yet he still fails. He walks off feeling sad after Iruka sensei said he fails and I go making the clone perfectly. I grab my head band and tie it around my arm. Iruka sensei then dismisses us telling us to come back tomorrow as I go find Naruto.

"Hey don't listen to Iruka sensei he's doesn't know anything!!!" I say finding him sulking.

"I'll become Hokage even if I'm not a genin!!!" He yells doing his posse gaining us nasty looks from the other villagers. I stick my tongue out at them and turn to Naruto smiling.

"That's it see I believe in you!"I say as he smiles at me.

"Really?" He asks as I nod.

"Amaya?" Dad asks walking toward me.

"Coming!!" I yell.

"See you later." I say to Naruto leaving while finding my Dad.

"There you are I was worried. Did you get it?" He asks as I nod showing him. He smiles patting my back.

"I knew you would." He says as we walk back to the house. We walk in and there's already food on the table with a cake.

"What's this for?" I ask as he chuckles.

"For graduating!!!!" Guy sensei yells. I stand there shocked as they seem so happy and proud of me when I get pulled out of my trance when they starts to leave.

"Why is are you leaving?" I ask Dad as they look at me.

"Naruto stole the secret scroll." Dad says as I look at him shocked. That idiot does he not know what that scroll means to village!!! I run off in a diffrent direction than Guy sensei and Dad leaving them there. I come to the forest and see Naruto and Iruka sensei. Iruka sensei sees him and starts to scold him when Naruto tells him what happened. Mizuki comes out to steal the scroll,but Iruka sensei protects him.

"You want to know why everyone hates you?" Mizuki asks as Iruka sensei tells him to shut it.

"That night you were born Death and the Nine Tails evaded the village and the only way to stop them was to seal them in someone." He says as Iruka tries to get him to stop,but he doesn't listen.

"That someone being you and another girl named Amaya." He says laughing hysterically.

They get in this huge fight and I go down there just as Mizuki throws the huge shuriken. I jump in front of Naruto to take the hit when Iruka sensei jumps in front of me.

"Amaya?" Naruto asks.

"I couldn't let you die jinchuriki gotta stick together." I say smiling,but notice Iruka sensei's state. Naruto uses the multi shadow clone jitsu to get ride of Mizuki and it works. I put Iruka sensei up to the tree and start to perform medical ninjitsu on him. While he's healing he tells Naruto to close his eyes and he does as he puts his head band on Naruto telling him he passed. I smile at the two and leave quietly not wanting to ruin the moment.

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