Worst Team EVER!!!!

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Amaya's POV

I sneak home trying not to be loud so I don't get yelled at. I climb in my window and fall. Busted. Dad comes in and sees me as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"You wanted to see what all the commotion was about right?" He asks as I instantly know it's a trap. I nod my head preparing myself for a long lecture, when he moves my arms and hair making sure I have no cuts at all.

"I'm fine Dad." I say as he looks at me and nods.

"I have a question." I say as he nods for me to continue.

"What's a jinjuriki?" I ask as he looks shocked.

"It's someone who has a beast sealed inside them that at time can take control of them. It's very important that the person who is a jinjuriki learns how to control the beast." He explains in a serious tone. I nod and wonder which beast I have inside me.

"Which do I have inside me?" I ask getting slightly mad that I had to find this out by some stranger.

"You have death." He says as I sigh.

"I want to know what happen and why I'm just now finding out about this. Plus why are Naruto and I being shunned by the other villagers?" I ask raising my voice. I feel this wierd feeling inside my begging me to let it out.

"Calm down Amaya." Dad says laying a hand on my shoulder. I shove it off and get up pacing around trying to control this feeling.

" You can't control me child,you never will be able to." The dark,sinister voice says as I wince.

"Leave me alone." I say holding my head. Dad moves back getting ready to call for back up when the voice leaves me alone with 4 words.

"We will meet again."  I stumble backwards about to fall when Dad catches me and lays me down on the red covered bed.

"I didn't think this would happen this fast." He mumbles as I ask what. He shakes his head and leaves,but not before telling me goodnight. I lye there wondering about what happened and if it was going to happen again,but I know one thing,nothing will take down Amaya Hatake!Believe it! Damn Naruto rubbing off on me. I wake up the next morning making sure to put on my ninja outfit and my head band. I walk out and head over to Naruto's when last night popped in my head. I shake it off and knock on the door. Naruto opens it all ready to go shuts the door and pulls me to school.

"You aren't happy are you?" I ask laughing. He nods as we get to the class last,but not late.

"Everyone take your seats,today you will be split into groups that you will stay in for missions." He says as I dose off. The next thing I know is I hear Naruto saying we're in the same group. I get up and see Sasuke and Sakura still here.

"You're in our group too?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"You'd obviously know if you were awake." Sakura says as my eye twitches. Wrong thing to say.

"You know what you need to shut your fat,obnoxious mouth before I go over there and shut it permanently." I threaten as she shuts up and Sasuke  chuckles.

"Nobody asked you to say anything emo." I says as he hmp's. Naruto goes up and puts up a eraser in the door.

"There that's what sensei gets for being late." Naruto says.

"Naruto do you really think that's going to work on a Jounin?" Sakura asks as I give her a death glare as the sensei walks in and the eraser falls on his head.

"It actually worked!!!" Naruto says happily.

"My first impression of this team is your all idiots." I look up to see whose calling us idiots when I see Dad. Shocker,not. We follow him to the roof where everyone sits down.

"Now introduce yourselves by saying your name,likes, dreams." He says as he points to Naruto with a bored look.

"Wait sensei why don't you introduce yourself first so we know about you. It's the least you can do since you were late." Sakura says as I roll my eyes.

"I'm Kakashi Hatake, my likes I have many, and dreams I don't feel like sharing." He says.

"All he said was his name." Sakura mumbles.

"It's better than nothing." I mumble back getting a glare. I shoot one right back as Naruto starts his introduction.

"I'm Naruto Uzamaki! Believe it! I love ramen and my best friend Amaya, my dream is to become the best Hokage ever and be respected by everyone!!" He shoots as Dad sweet drops.

"Do you have to be so loud?" I ask pulling him down from his posse.

"I'm Amaya Hatake,and that's all you really need to know." I say not wanting to share much info. It's always better to let them figure it out if we become friends.

"I'm Sakura Haruno and I like......, my dream is........" She says while giggling and looking at Sasuke, which is completely oblivious all though I don't blame him.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha and my dream is to take revenge on the ones who killed my family." He says while the atmosphere shifts making it a little cooler and creepy.

"Well that's it for today I'll see you tomorrow morning at six on the training grounds also don't eat breakfast or you'll throw it up." He says while walking away. Sasuke looks at me and calls my full name. I glare at him turning around.

"What?" I ask with an attitude.

"Your his kid right?" He asks matching my attitude.

"Figure it out yourself, come on Naruto." I say as Naruto follows not before starting at Sakura. We get away from them and I turn to Naruto happy now that we're away.

"Let's go get ramen I never really got to celebrate the fact that you became a Genin." I say as he nods. We run to the shop and sit down.

"Oh hello there Naruto and Amaya will you have the usual?" He asks as we nod. He brings out the bowls and we chow down.

16 bowls later.

"I'm so full!!!" Naruto complains.

"That's what you get for eating so much." I laugh.

"How can you say that you ate as much as I did." He whines.

"It doesn't affect me." I say while running ahead. We walk to the park as I fall on the ground.

"I'm so tiered!!!" I whine.

"Then go home." Naruto whines mocking me. I stick my tongue out at him as he does the same. We both laugh at each other when he sits beside me laying down.

"Hey Amaya?" He asks going serious.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm glad I have a friend like you." He says smile goofy.

"Me too." I say matching his goofy smile. We get up and he walks me home then leaves not without giving me a kiss on the cheek and running off. I feel my face go red and burn when Dad opens the door smiling.

"Young love." He says chucking as I go to playfully punch him, but he catches my hand and throws me over his shoulder taking me inside and sitting me down on the couch. I laugh, but realize that Naruto must feel bad having no one to take care of him,but Iruka sensei.

"Dad what was mom like?" I ask looking at him.

"She was exactly like you in the looks and had a great heart. We loved you both so much and couldn't wait for you to get here. She died giving birth to you sadly, but she was smiling at you the moment she left." He says sadly. I hug him.

"I'm still here don't worry." I say as he hugs back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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