Chapter 5

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Tanner couldn't sleep. It was impossible after the good news of being able to be promoted to higher ranks. He crawled from the hole and stretched out his burly muscles. He shook his fur and yawned. He creeped out of the willow leaves and trotted across the clearing. He left the clearing and started through the forest. The clearing was surprisingly close to the eastern edge of the forest. At this edge is a sandy white beach with a huge lake. Tanner sat at the waters edge letting the calm icy water barely touch his huge forepaws. He sat and looked out across the lake, watching the water sparkle in the moonlight. He looked to the sky and watched the stars twinkle. He lifted his muzzle and howled into the night, as he usually did. The pack was used to his nightly baying, and never minded much.

Tanner heard snow crunch under paw. He snapped his head back and stood facing the forest. Making his body puff to its full height and his muscles bunch, flexing as he snarled.

"Calm down, wolfdog." The kind whimper of Alana broke through the night, "it's just me."

Tanner relaxed and sat back on his haunches. He turned to the sparkling lake and looked out across the water. Alana sat at his side, "it's so beautiful." She said in awe.

"It really is Alana, it really is." Tanner looked at Alana, who was looking at him with eyes that were sparkling more than the water. "Alana?"

"Yes, Tanner?"

"Why did you do it?" Tanner looked back over the large stretch of water.

"I told you," she barked kindly, resting her broad head on the wolfdog's burly shoulder, "I thought that you just needed the chance to prove Alpha wrong."

"I don't know how to thank you."

"Saving me from that badger is thanks enough." She nuzzled him and licked him cheek.

"I won't be Omega by tomorrow. I will be a patrol dog. A member of the pack. Then the next day, a soldier, then a hunter. I have no wish of challenging Alpha, all I want is respect, whether from the pack or from him. Honestly I think you were right earlier, I wish Alpha and I could have the relationship I used to have with him back. We were friends."

"I know that's hard for you to admit. I think you and Alpha could e friends again, it may take time, but it's surely possible."

"Yeah." Their was a long ad silent pause before Tanner turned to Alana, "Alana?"

"What is it, Tanner?"

"Omega' scant have mates."

"Yes I kno-"

"But patrol dogs can." Tanner let his tongue loll out.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying," Tanner paused, "Will you be my mate, Alana?"


"Come on, Alana. I know you heard me. You don't know how long I've waited to ask you this!"

She nuzzled his neck, "And you don't know how long I've waited to say, yes."

They sat their in an embrace of fur and muscle. Tanner could feel Alana's steady heartbeat, and he was sure she could feel his heart beating fast.

"Tanner." Alana broke the silence, "I think you should wait."

"It won't be long until you challenge Aiden, and I'm positive you will beat him easily."

"How did you know I would challenge Aiden?"

"Tanner, I know you. Go big or go home, right?"

"Right. I will challenge the top of every rank."

"I'm the top of soldiers, Tanner."

"Except you." Tanner gave a happy pant, "I will challenge Felix."

"Paxton, Felix, and Aiden."

"Aiden is a good friend of mine, he will be the hardest to beat. He knows most of my moves.

"But you know his too. Use some wolffish tricks if you have to. Aiden will understand. You were above him once."

"When I'm third in command I will ask you to be my mate in front of the pack. Now go on, get your sleep soldier."

"Yes, Sargent Tanner!" She replied goofily, "You must rest up for your fight tomorrow, Tanner, walk back with me."

"Ok, soldier, I'll walk with you." Tanner stood and started toward the trees. He looked over his shoulder at Alana, who was looking out across the lake again. He walked to her side, "is anything wrong, Alana?"

"No, it's just for once in my life, my life," she paused, "my life is perfect."

She looked into Tanners eyes. They're was a special sparkle in them, a sparkle he hadn't seen before. 'I am the luckiest dog alive!' Tanner thought to himself. "Come on, Alana. I'll walk you to your den."

Pack of the Northern Winds {book 1: Wolfdog Series}Where stories live. Discover now