Never Loose Focus (Book 3) (Eclipse) (Lexi's story)

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Chapter 1- Hidden Talents

"Come on. Come on!" Alice says pulling me down stairs. I smile, "Alice I don't even know what you want me to do." I say.

we walk into the living room, Emmet was playing a game on the Xbox. "Move Emmet!" Alice says, pushing him off the couch, the exiting out of his game. "Hey!" Emmet yells.

"Shh, this is important." Alice scowls him. I sigh, I'm really confused. I felt arms wrap around me from behind. I lean back knowing it was Jasper, I close my eyes and relax.

"What's Alice up too?" Jasper asks me, with his accent, which he's been using a lot lately. I open one eye to look at him, "I have no idea, but it involves me, that's all I know." I say, the close my eyes again.

"All done. Lexi come on!" Alice says grabbing my arm again. I open my eyes and look at the screen. She put on a karaoke game. That's why she's hyper, she wants me to sing. "You want me to sing?" I ask confuse.

"Yes! We've known toy for a year, and we haven't heard you sing, out loud, we've heard you whisper sing, but that's it. So please, please, please sing." Alice begs with puppy dog eyes. "Puppy dog eyes don't work on me, but I'll sing." I tell her.

I look through all the songs, which was a lot, then I finally made my decision, " I choose, Love Story by Taylor Swift." I tell Alice. She puts the CD in and the song starts.

~Song Solo!~ Not going to happen~

By the time I finished singing, I notice that the rest of the Cullen's (except Edward) came and saw my little performance. They all clap for me. I blush, and did a small bow with my white sun dress. "That was amazing, Lexi!" Esme says.

"Thank you." I say, blushing more. Jasper walks over to me and kisses me Forehead, then wraps his arm around my waist.

"You should sing more often, your voice is just, wow." Rosalie says. I laugh a little. "Thanks."

"You are a natural, darlin'. You still amaze us with all your new talents." Jasper says kissing my cheek. I start to blush again.

~Time skip~brought to you by the Volturi

It was late , I wasn't tired, and I have school tomorrow. I sigh and lay in my bed. What to do? I suddenly felt arms around me, I look over to see Jasper, I smile. "Having trouble sleeping?" he asks. I nod, "Yeah, I don't know why." I say in defeat.

"I could help you sleep, by using my powers to make you a bit tired." he suggests. I look up at him. "That would help, thank you." I say to him

"I would do anything for you. Now just lay down, close your eyes, and then you'll soon be asleep." he says. I lay down next to him, I look at him, and kiss him. It was a very short sweet kiss.

We both pull a part, I rest my head on his chest, and close my eyes. After 10 seconds I was getting sleepy.

"Good night, darlin'." he says "Good night Jasper, love you." I say, slowly losing consciousness, before I was out, completely, I hear him say,

"Love you, too, darlin'."

Then I was fell to a dream-less sleep.


Hello people of the world!! I'm back!!

I am really excited for this book. I hope you guys are too.

Thank you all for continuing the saga, even though I don't own it.

And the song I picked, Love Story, I did research on the year the movie was released, and I'm pretty sure you can put 2 and 2 together.

Thank you for all of you who have voted and comment on all my stories! so keep it up!




Lots of Luv ~ snowflake

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