Chapter 4- What the Hell!?!

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  • Dedicated to The Vampire Diaries

After school I went over to the Cullen's house to do homework. Well, sort of, Jasper and I start to do homework, but we got distracted.

By the time we finally finished our homework, it was dark outside and I had to go. Bella text me saying she was on her way home, so Jasper decided to drive me.

When we got to my house, we saw Edward at the door. We started walking to the door, when Edward suddenly ran inside the house ( human speed). Bella was at the stair case, so she followed him, and we followed too. We went all the way to Bella's room. "Someone's been in here." Edward says.

I look around her room and nothing really seemed different. But then I thought of something, the jacket I let Bella borrow, I never got that back, and she didn't were it to school or take it to Florida. So that means it's missing.

We all went back to the Cullen's house to tell them. "Who was it? Someone we know?" Carlisle asks.

"This strangers. I didn't recognize his scent." Edward explains.

"A nomad passing through?" Esme suggests. "A nomad wouldn't have left their father alive." Rosalie says.

"The scent disappears 5 miles south of their house." Jasper says coming back inside. "Someone's orchestrating this." Carlisle says.

"Victoria?" Bella asks. "I would of seen her decide." Alice explains. "Has to be the Volturi." Edward says. That scares me a bit.

"I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching there decisions too." Alice says.

"So we keep looking." Emmet says. "We also watch Bella and Lexi at their house." Carlisle says.

"Another protection detail." Rosalie says irritated. I know she was saying that more towards Bella then me.

"Rosalie." Carlisle says. I was getting sleepy, even though this was a serious matter. I leaned my head on Rosalie shoulder, since I was sitting next to her.

Bella was talking about protection, or something, I wasn't listening. I closed my eyes, and slowly fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up, I was in my room, I guess they took me home after the meeting was over. I got ready then headed to school.

Days past and the weekend finally came. Finally! Right when I woke up, I look out the window to see Alice's car, of course she's here. Well I got ready for whatever she has planned. I change into I gray-ish blue strapless blouse, a short navy blue jacket, with normal jeans, white flats, and a navy blue and white bow. Also my locket, like always, some blue earrings. I put a little bit of make up and clear lip gloss.

I walk down stairs to see dad talking with Alice. "Morning Alex, Alice came by to see if it was okay if you could have a sleep over this weekend. She wanted to make sure it was okay with me before you two left. But don't worry, you can go." Dad explains. Wow, one Cullen he doesn't hate.

"Cool, um okay I guess that means we're on our way." I say. I hug dad, then walk out the door with Alice. We got in the car, talked about random stuff till we got to her house.

We walk in to the living room, no one was there.

"Where is everyone?" I ask her. "Out hunting. I went last night so it's just us till they get home tonight." she tells me.

"okay, that makes since. So what do we have planned for today?" I ask.

~ small Time Skip, from The Mall ~

For the rest of the day we had a fashion show, danced around, played just dance, and a lot of other stuff!

It was really late, almost midnight I think, and I was laying on the couch, out of breath, and my heart beating really fast.

I had my eyes closed, I was trying to get my breathing normal. I have no idea were Alice is.

We were bored so we decided to play, hide-n-go seek-tag. Which wasn't such a good idea to play with a vampire.

That is the reason why I'm out of breath, I was trying to chase her. Key word, trying.

I feel like someone is watching me. Like their standing right above me. I open my eyes and scream.

"What The Hell, Edward!!!" I yell at him.

Suddenly all the Cullen's were in the room, and Jasper has Edward up against the wall by his throat.

I once again, was trying to re-regain my breath that I barely even had. Carlisle quickly sat next to me, and was helping me to focus on only my breathing.

Once I calmed down, we all focused back on Jasper and Edward. "Jasper, I'm fine, Edward just scared me." I say.

Jasper glares at Edward for a few more seconds, then finally let him go. Jasper walks over to me. He grabs my hand and leads me out of the room.

We walk upstairs, to my room. Once inside, he closes the door. "Jasper?" I say quietly.

He looks at me. He caress my cheek, I lean into him hand. I look him straight in the eyes, his eye color bright gold.

"Your tired. You should sleep." he says. He leads me to the bed. "I have to change though." I say in a whisper.

"Just lay down and sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." he says, pulling the blanket back.

I lay down and he lays next to me. I lay my head on his chest.

"goodnight." I say quietly

"Goodnight, Darlin." was the last thing I heard before I drifted of to sleep.


Hello! so this chapter is kind of my own, I dont remember what happens in that scene, so I made my own.

ok so, what do you think. the chapters are getting a bit longer, isn't that nice?

haha anyway,




LOTS of LUV ~ snowflake :-)

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