Chapter 9 - Training & the past

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The next day, we start training for the fight, well they did. I just watched. Much to my disliking.

I just saw Emmet get his butt kicked, well thrown, by Jasper. And everyone knows Emmet hates losing,so, he says, "Again!"

But Bella and Edward arrive so, no 'again'. Then the wolves arrive. Carlisle started talking to the wolves but I wasn't really listening. He was talking about how the new borns are stronger, yeah heard it before. Then Jasper start to talk, "Carlisle right, that's why they are created. A new born army, doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand a chance against them. Now, two most important things are; first, never let them get their arms around you, dead within a second. Now second, never go, for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose....... Emmet!" Jasper says.

Jasper and Emmet get into fighting position. Jasper smirks. "Don't hold back." he tells Emmet. "Not in my nature." Emmet replies. Then runs towards Jasper. Jasper just stands there, waiting. Emmet starts to push Jasper back, then he threw Jasper behind him. Jasper went flying, lands on the ground, but quickly gets up, and runs towards Emmet. Jasper hits him, and Emmet is on the ground, again. "Never lose Focus." He tells him with a smirk.

Next to fight is, Edward, vs. Carlisle. They get ready, then run towards each other, Carlisle tries to do that ninja, tripy, slidey, thingy, but Edward jumps over him. They both run back at each other, they try to get at each other, after 20 seconds, Edward puts Carlisle on the ground, but he does one mistake, he turned his back on him. "One thing," Jasper starts. Then Carlisle sprung back up and hits Edward to the ground. "Never turn your back on your enemy." Jasper finishes. When he says that, he rolls his eyes. See, did I not just think that! And Edwards the one who can read minds.

Next up to fight, Alice .vs. Jasper. This has got to be interesting. I'm next to Rosalie when they are getting ready. "Who's your money on?" she asks me. "My best friend against My boyfriend. I go on who ever wins." I say,. She laughs, and nods. I honestly have no idea who would win this fight. Normal people would go for who ever they're dating, in my case, Jasper, but I think it could be an even fight, who knows, Alice could be a crazy lunatic when it comes to fighting. The thought of that made me laugh.

Let the fight begin! Jasper tries to grab her, but she steps to the side. He tries again, but she ducks. He tries, again, but she does a cart wheel to avoid him. He tries, again!, but she limbos under his reach. Then finally!, he gets a hold of her! Jasper smirks. But he lost focus when he looks up at me. I guess he wants to win, oh, he heard mine and Rosalie's bet! In that second he looks at me, Alice took the chance and gets away. I see here in the tree, giving me a Shh signal. Jasper looks around for her, but not up. She jumps on his back! Surprise Attack!! Looks like Alice is the winner.

And training is done for the day. Bella was sitting on the Jeep. Jasper and I start to walk by her. "Jasper? Are you sure their isn't anything I could do to help?" Bella asks Jasper. "Your scent alone will distract the new borns. Their hunting instincts will take over, and drive them crazy." Jasper explains.

"Good." Bella says. We were about to walk away, "Hey? How do you know so much about this stuff." Bella asks.

"I didn't have quite the same up bringing as my.. adoptive siblings." he starts off. He takes off him jacket and lifts up his sleeve to show us his scars; bite marks. "Those are bite marks." Bella comments, jumping off the jeep.

"Battle scars. All the training the Confederate army gave me, was us less against the new borns, but still I never lost a fight." Jasper says. Wow, intense. I didn't, ever have the nerve to ask him how he was changed, but now I think I'm getting his story.

We start, again, to walk away. "Hey. This, This happens during the civil war?" Bella asks. "I was the youngest major, in the Texas Cavalry. Though, I never get to see the real battle." Jasper explains with a smirk. "Until....." Bella says.

"Until I met a certain immortal, Maria." Jasper says. Hatred in his eyes. "I was riding horse back to Galveston after evacuating a column of women and children.... when I saw her. Southern gentleman that I was, I immediately offered her my aid." Jasper explains. "Maria was creating an army?" Bella asks.

"They were very common in the south. The constant brutal battle for territory, Maria wanted it all. She was smart, and carful. She had me, I was her second in command. My ability to control emotions, served her well. I trained her new borns, an end less occupation since she never let them live beyond their first year. It was my job to dispose of them. I could feel everything they felt. I thought what Maria and I had was love, but I was just her puppet. She pulled the strings. I didn't know there was another way. Till I found Alice, she saw me coming though."Jasper says.

"Kept me waiting long enough. I was dying to tell you about Lexi!" Alice says, appearing next to me. "My apologise ma'am." he says to Alice. "I don't know what I'd become, if Alice tell me about this life and Lexi" Jasper says. He looks at me, I smile, and leans towards him, and kiss him.

Not caring that Bella was watching us.

I love Jasper, no matter his past.


Ta da!!!! chapter!!!! you like?

haha, only a few more chapters till the end. but no worries!

any who, does any one at all what to be apart of my writing contest? comment if you do?!!!!?




LOTS OF LUV ~ snowflake

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