Chapter 3- hiding and thoughts

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It's the weekend, and Bella was going to Florida with Edward to visit mom. I would of went but two tickets only, so I'm here, in Forks. I'm staying with the Cullen's, cause apparently, Victoria's back, I know this cause I begged Alice to tell me about her vision, took me 5 minutes and a 'you can make me wear whatever at your party' to get it out of her.

I have to stay in the garage because it's the one place with no windows and a really heavy door. I have to wear something of Rosalie's in case Victoria came over here. I sat inside a car with headphones, listening to random music. I was really bored. I guess I was so bored I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was laying on a comfy bed. I look around to see I was in my bedroom, in the Cullen's house. I got out of bed, I notice that I was still in Rosalie's clothes. I slowly walk down stairs.

When I got to the living room, I saw a wet Emmet, and the rest of the Cullen's looking frustrated. "What happened?" I ask them. They all look at me, "Why's Emmet all wet? Did you guys go swimming without me?" I say, as a small joke. No one seemed in a mood for a joke.

Jasper walks over to me, "We chased Victoria to the border between Forks and the reservation, and Emmet jumped to follow her, but a wolf pushed him into the stream and Victoria got away." he tells me

"Wow, she must of known you guys can't go past the border to the reservation. I think she's up to something more, she might be working with someone." I say my thoughts out loud, it seems logical, so I said them to see what they think.

They all look thoughtful at what I just said. "You know that makes since, she would need someone who knows the area of Forks." Rosalie says. Everyone else nods their head in agreement.

Today has been weird. The Question of the day is.....

Who is helping Victoria?


sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I've been lazy, and busy. I'm on vacation, with family, so yeah! :-). well here you go, tell me what you think.




Lots of Luv ~ snowflake

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