Chapter 16: The Sunrise

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"And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heaven and the earth, and Allah is over all things. Indeed in the creation of the heavens and earth and the alternation of the night and day are signs for those of understanding."


They reached their destination before the breaking of the dawn.

The car stopped outside a large brown gate which was partly rusted in between. A lamp shade stood beside it. An old man knocked at the driver-side window and handed him the keys.

The old man then opened the gates revealing a large farm-house sorrounded by trees that extended throughout the side and back portions and a lawn on the frontier. The mansion was located on the foothill of a mountain with a lake at its edge.

He parked the car in front of the house and gently shook Rumi, "We are here, honey!! Wake up!!"

This ain't work out. Fifteen years have passed, yet some things still remains the same.

He took a water bottle and sprinkled a few drops on her face. She simply rubbed her face and resumed sleeping. He, then slowly poured some water in her right ear due to which she woke up screaming.

"Suhh! That's so rude of you." She yelled.

"Sorry darling! That was the only way it could be done." he winked.

They came out of the car and entered the farm house. It was an old farm house with wooden furnitures. They moved to the bedroom beside the main hall, wherein Rumi took off her Abaya and after performing wudhoo, they prayed together, Suhaib leading Rumaisa.

After performing their Salaah, Suhaib gestured Rumi to come out with him. They got out of the farm house through the back door.

Suhaib held an old lantern in one of his hand while his other hand was locked with Rumaisa's hand. The enlightened lantern reveal a natural forest - like area.

The backyard was totally covered by tall trees enveloped in partial darkness. The sun was yet to rise. The moon was still playing with the clouds in the sky.

The warmness of the lantern in the cool environment added to the beauty of the moment.

The place seemed so quiet that even the sound of the gentle breeze could be heard.

The entire ground was covered by dry leaves, twigs and tiny branches. As they stepped outside, their shoes collided with the dry leaves and crinckled. The sound kept increasing with every step they took ahead. They even felt the unevenness of the ground.

Amidst the darkness, walked these two souls, with hearts interlocked and fingers intervened, and love naturally seemed to spring out of their hearts.

Suhaib always surprised her in the most surprising way possible. No matter how much she tried predicting his plans, she could never guess what he was upto. Indeed his surprises always surprised her. She wondered what was it this time?! Where were they heading out with a lantern? But she couldn't land into any definite conclusion.

After surpassing a lot many wide and tall, dry trees, they finally came to a clearing. Unlike the initial half of the backyard, there weren't any trees, broken twigs or dry leaves here. It was a solitary ground. As they walked further, the clearing opened up into a lake. There was large pier raised from the edge of the lake that extended for some 25 meters ahead, with its mouth widely broadened.

They looked at each other, their gazes  met, there was a tint of amusement in the atmosphere around them. They slowly climbed the pier and walked towards the mouth of the pier, the sky lost a few shades of its darkness and appeared lighter than before.

Suhaib kept the burning lantern aside, and sat at the edge of the pier, his legs hanging down in the cold water beneath. He gently pulled Rumaisa and made her sit beside him.

Their legs played with each other in the cold water, while Rumaisa rested her head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around her. She could feel his heart beating, and the fragrance of his body seemed to mesmerize her.

"Are we here for fishing?" She gently carresed his hair.

"Yes! We are going to pull out the brightest fish of the world today! Do you know what people usually call it?" he asked with a wide grin.

"Umm... No! My knowledge regarding fishes is quite low." she simply answered.

He smiled at her innocence.
Meanwhile the sky lost another of its dark shade and appeared slightly lighter.

"We're going to hunt the Sun today." His grip around her shoulders tightened.

"Your sarcasm sucks Suhh!" she said.

It was then that Suhaib pointed towards the lake, there was a change in the sky in the east, due to the trees afar being brighter, indicating that the dawn had broke. The sky towards the backyard of the house was still dark, but in the east a mixture of yellow and orange towards the horizon beneath dark neon blue lake of the night had begun to evaporate. Against the tri-coloured rainbow sky, the trees afar were like shadows.

"Subhanallah! This is so beautiful!! I am telling you Suhaib, I have never seen such a sight before. Indeed the almighty have designed everything in the most perfect way ever. As he says in the qur'aan  these are the signs for those who believe."

'And the earth we spread it out, and cast therein firmly set mountains and we have made to grow therein of all beautiful kinds; to give sight and as a reminder to every servant who turns to Allah.'


"Do you know what does Al-Wadood mean?" He circled his thumb in her palms and asked.

She nodded her head, "Al-Wadood means the affectionate, the most loving, the beloved."

"Indeed. But there is more to it. Al-Wadood is the one who is the source of all affection, love and kindness. Though he does not need any of us in any way, he wishes the best for us, he has a special form of love for his righteous servants who love him. Allah is Al-Wadood. His love is intense and continuous and translates into the blessings, favors, mercy, guidance and forgiveness he grants his slaves. He clearly mentions in the qur'aan that :
Indeed those who have believed and done the righteous deeds, the most merciful will appoint for them affection.
Ain't that something adorable?" he gently squeezed her hand.

Rumaisa gasped at his words, indeed what he said was definitely true.

Every sunrise is a chance to thank Allah for a new day, a new beginning, a new journey.

About ten minutes later, the sunrise had become even more beautiful, as the sun peeked over the horizon. The sky had now become slightly pink like the sea of cotton candy, with the sun coloring the clouds above with a pinkish hue. As the sun ascended, the sky behind them became neon blue as the light reached further out.

They had their moment in silence and then slowly, they started walking back to the farm house. By the time they reached the house, the pink sky had become pale yellow mixed blue.

Overall it was the most beautiful sunrise they have ever witnessed.

They had some sandwiches for breakfast, which the packed on their way and an hour later, Suhaib handed back the keys to the old man who stood at the gate and they headed their way back home.


As Salam alaikum everyone!!
Sorry for the extremely late update.
The next update will be during Eid!
Kindly remember me in your prayers!

Happy reading!!

Stay tuned;-)

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