Chapter 18: Chicago

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Year 2003:

It had been about three months since she arrived at Chicago to pursue her MBBS, At the beginning it was quite difficult for Manha since she never stayed out without her family. Being the youngest amongst the siblings, there was always someone to look after her. But now, she was living on her own, away from everyone, and that kind of grieved her. But unlike her thoughts, she easily adapted to her new surrounding and lifestyle. She studied at St. Alfred Medical College and lived in a hostel on the same street.

Most of her time was spent studying, so she never had the time to get bored. During weekends, she used to go shopping or somewhere else with Nabha and Annexe, her new friends. Nabha was a health conscious woman, due to which Annexe and Manha also started going for morning walks and evening workouts with her.

One chilly morning, when the three friends were out for their morning walks st the park, they noticed a group of boys looking at them and speaking something among themselves, Manha at once recognized two Indians amongst them.

She realized that she have seen a few of the guys before, in the same park, but she chose to ignore them and continued with her walk. The swift breeze blew over face and kissed it.

As she finished her first round, she sat on a bench of the park waiting for her friends who were now on their second round. She took of her sneakers and placed both of her feet on the bench, closing her eyes, and intaking the freshness of the morning.

‘Ahem’ a male voice startled her and she rose to her feet panicking. As she opened her eyes, she saw before her, the same Indian guy who was looking at her a while back.

She studied his features closely, his black hair was neatly set at the sides and spiked at the center, his jawline was covered short-trimmed beard and his lilly white face had thin pink lips, his grey eyes held pools of knowledge and his moderate eyelashes simply added a spark to his beauty.

She found herself captivated in his eyes, ‘Can someone actually be so perfectly designed?’ Meanwhile the rubic cube from her hand fell on her foot, and she jumped in pain.

‘Are you alright?’ the man asked out of concern.

She limped towards the bench and pressed her foot with her fingers, “yeah, I am… Its just, I am fine. May I know how can I help you?” She raised her head.

“uhhh… I just wanted to know if you are from the medical school?” He half-stuttered.

“Yes, I am. Is there something I can help you with?” She asked.

Speak something that makes sense Manha. Can't you see how beautifully he speaks.

“Do you mind walking with me for a while?” He hesitantly asked.

“Alright.” They were back on the walking track, but it didn't look like they were actually working out. Both of them seem to be confused as to how they were going to converse.

“Are you a Harry Potter fan?” the guy asked after what seemed like years.

“You too?” Manha was a little amazed to know that they have something in common.

“Uhhh, I have been waiting since ages for my hogwarts letter. Unfortunately I am still on the wait.”

“May I know which is your favorite amongst the series so far?”

“Half-blood prince! I seriously love Snape’s book, and he's one of my favorite characters. Besides him, I like Fred and George as well. What about you?”

“Can you guess?”

“Umbridge!?” He smirked.

“Eeeek, nooo! I like the Sorcerer's Stone, and my favorite character is Sirius Black.”

“Mm...but Snape had a legendary death”

“Every character in HP is important in its own way.”

“Apart from that, where exactly do you live in India?”

“Bangalore, and you?”

“My native is Delhi, but I live in Saudi Arabia.”

“ohkaayyy. So you're here for your Graduation?”


They were soon back at the spot where they began their walk, Annexe and Nabha were  waiting for Manha. As soon as they arrived near, Annexe raised one of her eyebrows questioningly at Manha, Manha scoffed at Annexe and turned towards the guy.

“It's time for me to leave, it was good meeting you, see Ya!”

“Don't mind me asking, but can we meet for Coffee later this evening?” the man asked with stomach full of hopes.

“I am sorry, but I don't think I can make it, since I am completely occupied after 2:00 p.m.”

“No worries. I'll See you tomorrow then?”

“Might be.”

The girls headed back to their hostel with Manha describing them of her encounter with the guy.

"Do you like him?" Nabha mockingly asked.

"It's the first time I saw him nab! But he's kinda nice. I won't say that I like him, but we've got a few things in common and I enjoy his company."

"Owww, are you blushing?" Nabha teased.

"If you are done with your drama, can we get ready for college darling?!" Annexe was always punctual.

The day headed as it always did, without any change in their routines, but every now and then, Manha's mind drifted back to the guy who met her in park earlier that morning. However, the practical works kept her busy and soon she forgot about it.

The three of them returned home with tired faces. They had something in the nearby cafeteria since they were too tired to cook something. They were soon found dozing on their respective beds.

The next sunrise was not how Manha had expected it to be. She woke up a little earlier that morning and was excited to go for her walk, shd took out her favorite pair of sneakers, her finest track suits and a matching hijaab. She informed Annexe that she is going to head out a little early and made her way out.

The park was filled with early joggers and walkers, her eyes wandered towards every corner of the park looking for the guy. But she couldn't find him anywhere.

I don't even know his name.

She began her first round, hoping he would come before she fini it. But unfortunately there was no trace of the man.

She began with the second round, but he still had not arrived. She sat on the same bench where he approached her yesterday.

An hour passed.
He wasn't there.

Another hour passed.
There was still no sign of him.

With heart full of despair and eyes filled with grief, she decided to head back.

The air around her smiled at her fate.

Is this the beginning of a new story or the end of a story that didn't even begin yet?

Time will tell.


As Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!
I apologize for not updating on time.
Hope you liked the chapter.

Happy reading!
Stay tuned ;-)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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