Pack Light

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I got home from the party and undid my hair. The entire pack was buzzing about my pregnancy, or rather pregnancies. I sighed and walked over to my bed laying down. Erick was still at the party talking about his future child. I heard people whisper about what they think I would name them. Some suggested I might name Lakens daughter Laken as well, and Erick's daughter Ericka. I have to admit that would be funny. But Erick still doesn't want them to know how they came to be. He wants ever bit of Laken removed from this pack.
I heard a loud commotion downstairs, like someone was screaming. "YOU SHOULDNT BE ABLE TO KEEP HER AND OUR GRANDCHILD AWAY FROM US! YOU MURDERED OUR SON!" I heard Lakens parents yelling. I was soon downstairs and in there view. "Look how big you've gotten!" His mother said trying to walk over to me. Erick soon cut her off. "Do not go near my mate or you will see the same fate as your so ." He said threatening them. I could see the rage and pain inside of his parents eyes. "Erick it's okay, it's there granddaughter." I said trying to step away from him. I soon felt his hand make contact with my face. I feel the the ground and grabbed my cheek as the tears started to flood from my eyes. "DONT HIT HER!" Lakens parents screamed as they tried to get closer to me. "Leave now or else" Erick said growling. They hung there heads low and walked out the door. "Please love our grandchild as if she was yours" Lakens father said closing the door with tears in his eyes. "You will not speak to them again and you will always take my side." Erick said standing in front of me before grabbing my arm and pulling me up. My hand was still on my cheek as he looked down at me. He pushed my hand away and looked at the work he had done to me. "Go to the bed room and I will grab you some ice" he said pushing me toward the stairs. I walked up them as I tried to stop my tears from coming. I got to my bed and laid down, burying the mark into a pillow. I felt him get into the bed. He grabbed me and pushed me onto my back before placing the ice on my cheek. "Maybe next time you will know better." He said as he ran his fingers along my body, tugging at the waist of my pajama shorts. I rolled away from him and uttered lightly "I'm very tired after the party." I said hoping he would take the hint and leave me alone. "And I'm your mate and I have needs." He said pulling me back onto my pack. I gave in and felt his hands quickly remove my shorts, my top was pushed up to my neck. He lifted my legs before pushing himself into me. "Your so tight." He said moaning and leaning into me, he pushed my legs onto his waist and pushed harder into me, his mouth began to lick and suckle at my breast. He was finished within 5 minutes. "Good girl" he said helping me find my shorts, he grabbed them and tossed them away. "We sleep naked remember." He said growling with a glare at my shirt. I removed it from around me neck and laid in bed. I didn't fall asleep for three hours as his hands squeezed around me. He rolled over and I quickly fell asleep.

I woke up with the feeling of someone staring at me. I opened my eyes and looked into the bright room, Erick looked upset and he quickly grabbed my hand. I let out a yelp because he scared me, I didn't understand how I upset him. "YOU SAID HIS NAME!" He said looking at me. I looked confused as he gripped my hand harder. "Apologize to me now!" He said barking at me. "I-I'm sorry mate" I said knowing that saying mate would please him. He growled and let go of my hand before getting out of bed. I laid there and grabbed my hand, I began to rub it from the pain. The tears fell from my eyes as I cried in silence. A while went by before I heard him come back into the room. I was still in a ball as I felt his hand touch my back. My entire body flinched as I cried out thinking he was hurting me. I could feel the sadness in him. He sat on the edge of the bed and picked me up, I let out a tiny whimper as more tears rolled down my face. "I'm sorry, I just get so angry when you don't love me. I know you don't love me, and I act out. I'll try to be better." He said before setting me on the bed. He looked at me as tears fell down his face. "I didn't think I hit you that hard" he said as he grabbed my face, I winced and let it a small cry. My entire cheek was bruised. "Can you please stay in the house until this heals?" He asked me. I nodded not wanting to upset him again. He smiled and kissed my forehead. He walked out of the room as I began to get dressed. I sat at the edge of my bed as one of the maids came in. "Goodmorning Miss-Hhhuuuuhhhh!" She said grabbing her mouth as she saw me. "Miss did he do this to you?" She asked me as I looked down. I stayed silent as she hugged me, I was tired of crying. I nodded to her as I walked to my door. "I shouldn't have interfered" I said walking to get my breakfast. Everyone in my house saw the mark. Soon I could hear Erick walking behind me. Everyone's eyes were on him. I sat down as I heard his fathers voice come into the house. "Hey son." He said as he walked into the kitchen. "Hey, dad can I-" his father saw my face and he glared at Erick "What the fuck did you do to her!" His father growled. "I- she just" I grabbed his fathers hand and looked at him, "I shouldn't have interfered." I said knowing it would only make him angrier. He growled and grabbed Erick by the neck pushing him outside of the house. I began to eat my breakfast as I heard all of the male wolfs howling and growling. A few moments later a large group of men came into the kitchen and saw my face. They looked at me, angered by what he had down to me. His father soon came in and removed the hoodie covering my arms. He saw many hand marks from being grabbed roughly. Then his wife came in and ushered my into a bathroom. He removed all my clothing and counted my marks. She helped me get dressed and went out and told her husband. "37" she told him. They took me outside to where Erick was tied up. They grabbed a silver whip and started counting out the the marks they made across his back. They got to seven when I stood up and laid on top of him. My inner wolf told me to protect my mate no matter what. "Stop, don't hurt him anymore, blame me." I said as the wolfs growled. I could feel his inner wolf connecting to mine. The women pulled me off and chained my leg to a tree. "He should know better, he's an alphas son. You don't hurt your mate." His mother said as he took the rest of the punishment. The pack left him outside as they walked me inside. They chained me to my bed post. Just enough room to sleep and get to the rest room. "When are you bringing him in?" I asked. "He will come in shortly to rest in the shower to get the blood off of him. Three other males will be sleeping in this room to make sure you do not help him." His father said looking at me. "But he's my mate" I said with a monotone voice. "No, Laken is your mate, you are his stolen prize." His father walked out and I began to cry. I missed every moment of Laken but my inner wolf was fighting to be with our now mate. I can usually hold her off but she snapped. I turned into my inner wolf and I began fighting her internally. Erick saw my wolf out and thought they had made me do it. "What did-" he began to say "She and her wolf are fighting, this was caused by you, she loved Laken and you never gave her time to mourn, but you mated her, and now her inner wolf belongs to you. She can't control it, it seems as though the wolf will win, it has to or she could die. If she dies, you can expect to fallow her." His father said pushing Erick into the bathroom. The bed snapped from all my tossing on it. The pack could hear me scream as I fought with my wolf. It took us 7 hours to fight. I snapped in the end and cried into her, I mourned for the loss of my love. She laid with me in my heart. Making it whole again. I woke up a few hours later with pack members staring at me. My bruises and marks were gone, my tail had completely grown back. I looked up at them as they looked back. I couldn't feel the pain anymore. I smiled and cried lightly. They breathed deep and went to my bathroom, the men washed Erick and the women dressed his marks. They gave him 38 for my interruption. They laid him on the bed. I looked at them. "In order for him to heal faster you can lay with him, or you can make it painful by ignoring him. He deserves the pain." One guy said to me. I sighed and laid by his side. The pack had known that my inner wolf won the battle. I snuggled him as I fell alseep. I woke up a few hours later, most of his marks were gone. His eyes were wide open. "I don't deserve you" he said smiling at me. "No you don't" I said smiling at him. He sat up with some pain and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so very sorry" he said kissing my shoulder. "Let go of me." I said to him. His arms came off of me, my inner wolf growled at me. "You broke my heart, and it still hurts, I miss him everyday. You stole my life from me. I don't know if I can forgive you, but my inner wolf, she will die for you. Ever kindness you see from me is her. Maybe one day I'll learn to love and trust you. You will love both of my daughters. And you will take what I give you." I said looking at him. He let out a small growl. "I get it I broke your heart, but you broke mine too, I won't harm you again, but if your inner wolf loves me, let her out please. I need her right now, I feel alone." He said placing his hand on my arm. "Please" he said. I soon transformed into my inner wolf, she looked at him and snuggled up against him like a large lap dog. She licked his body clean of blood. He smiled and turned into his wolf, soon he was on top of her. He mated us in wolf form and my wolf was happy, she came with him as he bit her neck. He huffed as he fell to the side back in his human form. I turned back into mine. "Did you enjoy any of that?" He asked. "I can't lie, I did a little." He smiled and scooted close to me. His arms were around me. I was stuck. "What are we going to name the girl?" He said kissing my shoulder.

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