Chapter 12: The Truth

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I left the library trembling and confused. I couldn't understand why Xander was using an alias, people only do that kind of thing when they are hiding from someone. Who was he hiding from? What was his real name? What had started as an innocent attempt to help repair his damaged relationship with his brother had turned into something much darker. I felt like I had completely violated his privacy, like I didn't really know him at all as all of these secrets came to light. I returned to my dorm to see Ella. She had all kinds of questions for me about my day and how Xander was and I had to put on a fake smile and lie about it. If Xander had wanted either of us to know about his name, he would have told us. I couldn't betray him and spread his secret. Especially when I didn't know why he did it in the first place. Dinner was soon, which meant that Xander would be sitting with us. I wasn't sure if I would be able to keep my cool and pretend like nothing had happened. Once the unfortunate time came, I picked at my salad with my fork, having lost my appetite while Ella talked Xander's ear off about some guy she had hit it off with in one of her classes. Xander listened as intently as he could but he couldn't help but notice my change in mood. He placed his hand on my lower back. Despite my confusion his touch still gave me butterflies. "Is everything okay?" He whispered to me, Ella continuing her story nonetheless. I forced a smile and I nodded, not quite meeting his eyes. "Is this about what I said earlier? I'm really sorry I didn't tell you that I was ahead." He said gently. "No that's not it..." I admitted, wanting to just let it go but every fiber in my body was screaming at me to figure out what was going on with him. "Can we talk in your dorm after dinner? Alone?" I asked him and he seemed surprised by my proposal but he cleared his throat and nodded. "Yeah absolutely." He said with an edge of concern in his voice. After dinner, Xander led me back to his dorm room. I had never been inside before but I was not surprised to find that it was as organized and calculated as he was. I looked to the empty bed across from Xander's. "My roommate is working on a project with his lab partner for Chemistry... So he won't be back for a couple of hours." He comforted as if he could read my mind. I nodded and took a deep breath. I sat down on his bed and he sat beside me. I was holding my arms to my body nervously, my lip between my teeth. "What's wrong?" He asked placing his hand on my leg. "What's your name?" I finally asked him. He seemed confused but he answered anyway. "Xander Wi-" he started but I interrupt him. "What's your real name?" I said more firmly this time. "Why would you ask me that?" His eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Your not in the public records database... There is no record of you anywhere." I said shakily, unsure how he would react. "You looked me up?" He seemed bewildered. "I-I just wanted to help you reconcile with your brother... I was going to find him and talk to him and see if you two could make peace.." I revealed timidly and Xander got up. "You were going to WHAT?" He raised his voice and I had never seen him so angry before. "I just wanted to help.. I would do anything to see my brother again." I sniffled as I felt my eyes fill up with tears. "I'm not like you Lilly! When I told you I want nothing to do with him I meant it! And instead you went behind my back-" he said shaking his head in disbelief, running his hands frustratedly through his red locks. "I'm sorry Xander!" I cried, my knuckles turning white from clutching myself so hard. There was a wild look in his eyes, like an animal that was released from it's cage. He was eyeing around the room panicked that he had been discovered. "I don't think you understand what would have happened if you had somehow located my brother... He would have killed you, and then me!" He yelled and I was shocked. "W-what?" I asked, and Xander sighed. "There's so much you don't know... You really have to stay out of this you have no idea what your getting yourself into..." He said before turning away from me. "This has to end." He declared. "What? No- I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" I started but he held his hand up and I stopped. "For your own safety and for mine, we can't be together." He said, and I felt myself break. I approached him cautiously, turning him to find his eyes were as teary as my own. "Please don't do this..." I begged him and he shook his head. "Goodbye Lilly..." He stated, and my world stopped. I ran back to my dorm to a very shocked Ella. What had I done?

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