The One Where Barry Hugs Leonard

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"Cause in your warmth, I forget how cold it can be.
And in your heat I feel how cold it can get."

Barry never expected he'd be hugging a criminal like Leonard Snart, and he certainly didn't expect himself to be the one thing keeping the thief alive but here he was, using the thermal threading of his suit to try and save this man's life. When he had been told to help save Leonard from his kidnappers he thought it was a joke, as Captain Cold didn't seem like a man who could be kidnapped easily but here he was, clinging to Barry like he was his lifeline as he tried to get any form of warmth to enter his body. Barry thought back to the beginning of how this whole mess started and how he ended up in this situation.

            Caitlin had a skeptical look on her face as she stared at Lisa who was standing on the opposite side of the S.T.A.R. Labs cortex. "So you want us to help save your brother because he's been kidnapped. Mastermind thief, Leonard Snart, Captain Cold, kidnapped? How do we know this isn't some elaborate trick to kill The Flash? And why did they let you go? Wouldn't that deflect the purpose of kidnapping you?"

            "I don't know, before they let me go one of the men whispered something to the other and the next thing I know I'm being untied and shoved out the door. And if Lenny really wanted The Flash dead he would have killed him along with Mardon and Jesse." Lisa spoke harshly as she shot Caitlin a glare.

            Joe aimed his gun at Lisa before talking firmly, "Watch it."

            Barry uncrossed his arms and took a step towards Lisa, his hazel green eyes shown from underneath his mask. He sent Joe a look to notion for him to stop. "You were awake? Do you think maybe you could-" He couldn't finish his sentence when he turned his head to look at the monitors which had been hacked into by a video feed.

            One of the men that had kidnapped them had his face in front of the camera and was talking rather sharply, "Greetings Central City! We have a show for you, as we are going to kill everyone's favorite villian, Captain Cold." When the man smiled there was a crazed look in his eyes.

            The camera was turned so they could see Leonard, his blazer to his suit was gone and he was in a white button up with a black tie that hung loosely around his neck along with his black pants. He was starting to wake up and he frowned as he slowly raised his head to look around him.

            He looked at Lisa's empty chair and noticed she wasn't anywhere around him and an alarmed emotion came over his face and he turned to the man and spoke in a low drawl, "Where is she?"

             The camera followed the man's movements as he stepped closer to Leonard, "Unless The Flash comes to save you that's not your concern because you're going to die here anyways."

             Leonard nodded and looked down as a frown came on his face, "Please don't tell me that's your plan. Because if it is, it's a really stupid plan."

             Barry watched the feed and his eyebrows knit together in a light frown, "Yeah it seems like he's got an escape plan so I don't think he needs my help."

             Lisa spoke in a pleading voice, "please-" She was cut off by the man on the feed talking.

             "And what makes you say that? Hmm?" He was invading Leonard's personal space and standing really close to him.

             Leonard's face was consumed with a displeased emotion as he leaned away from the man and he spoke in the low drawl he used to match his cold persona. "Well you should have gotten someone The Flash actually cares about if you wanted your plan to work."

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