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Amber's POV

I walked around the corner of my apartment to my car. I drove a silver 2013 Chevy Impala. It was one of the closest cars I could get to the Impala from Supernatural. They aren't very easy to come by. Plus, it was a graduation gift from my parents so I didn't exactly pick it out. It was parked next to my sister's car: a 1969 Chevy Camaro. I unlocked the car and slid into the front seat.

The drive wasn't very long. Our meeting place was just a block away. I turned onto Main Street, AC/DC blaring on the radio, and parked in front of a gas station. I walked the rest of the way from there.

Arya and Phil were waiting in the usual place, across the street next to a hot dog cart. I couldn't  remember why we decided to meet there. The hot dogs weren't even that good.

I waited for the traffic to clear up a bit and then ran across the street. "Amber!" I heard someone call. It was Phil. He looked the same as always: tall, blue eyes, short dirty blonde hair.

"Hey, Phil!" I replied, giving him a big hug. Phil was one of my best friends. He was also the only best friend closer to my age. "How are your folks doing?"

"Oh, you know." Phil began. "Same old, same old." He turned to Arya. "They said they wished you had come."

Arya rolled her eyes. "Well, they'll see me soon enough." Then she muttered to herself, so that no one would hear, but I did. "When the planet and everyone on it burns." Now, Arya wasn't a hostile person. She just had issues with her parents. She doesn't really like to talk about it so no one really asks.

"So, how's Koda been?" Phil asked, genuinely interested. It seemed as though he thought of Dakota as more than a friend, but I seemed to be the only one that noticed.

"She's fine. You know Koda. Study, study, study." I told him.

"Except right now its party, party, party!" Arya reminded me.

Phil looked at Arya then me, confused. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot. I'm throwing a costume party for my birthday. Care to come?"

"Yeah, of course! I wouldn't miss it." Phil replied, excitedly. "Guess that means I better get a costume."

"Yeah, and fast." Arya informed him. "The party is on her birthday."

"Woah. I better hurry then... The stores are probably wiped clean by now."

The three of us walked in silence for a few seconds, then Phil broke the silence. "So, anything else new happen while I was gone?"

"Nothing rea-" I began but was cut off by Arya. "Amber met a guy." I glared at Arya. I didn't want to make a big deal about it, especially since I just met him.

"Ooh, Amber." Phil said teasingly. "Looks like these past few weeks have been kind to you." I laughed. Phil only got like this when he was around close friends. Unlike Arya, who was loud and outgoing, Phil was more quiet and shy.

"I wouldn't say that..." I disagreed. "We've only been on one date!" Arya added, "And he's coming to Amber's party!"

"Oh, really? Well, what makes this guy so special? Aren't I enough?" Phil joked. I knew he was kidding. He was like a brother to me. Things could never get serious like that.

"Well..." I hesitated, not sure where to start. I explained to Phil how he was a major fan of Supernatural, that his name was even Castiel and he dressed like him. Phil wasn't quite done with the books yet but he knew who Castiel was. I told him that he was nice and funny. I left out the part about Cas having this freaky deja vu thing with me.

"Hm. Sounds like a cool dude." Phil said. "So what does he plan on going as?"

"An angel."

Phil looked at me like I was pulling his leg. "An angel. You're kidding me, right?"

"Hey," I punched him in the shoulder, "I asked him to go as an angel because I'm going as a fallen angel." I explained.


As I finished explaining everything, we passed a churro cart. Stanford liked to have a lot of food carts all over town. Luckily, the churros were actually pretty good, and I loved them. We each got one and then continued walking.

"Hey, you know what would be cool, A?" Arya asked, her mouth full of churro. "What?"

Arya finished her mouthful of churro before continuing. "If we got Cas to cosplay with us." She took another bite of her churro. "I mean, he already dresses as Cas everyday."

I considered that idea for a moment. It would be fun. "Who would I cosplay as? You've got Dean and Koda's got Sam. That just leaves Cas and obviously Cas is gonna be Cas..." I thought about how funny that last sentence sounded and then shrugged it off.

"I don't know..." Arya replied, finishing her churro and throwing the napkin away in a nearby trashcan. "Maybe you could be the cute girl that dates him?" I looked at her. "Yeah, cause that's cosplay."

Phil joined in. "Wait, who would I be if y'all steal all the best parts?" Arya and I looked at each other. "You can be Bobby." We said in unison.

"Coool..." Phil replied. "I get to be the old, wise drunk." The two of us laughed. "You need a beard!" I told him.

"Right." Phil replied, smiling. "Piece of cake."

So, we continued walking, talking about random crap, and laughing. However, something felt strange, like we were being watched. I glanced behind me, catching a glimpse of what I thought looked like a trench coat. It was gone before I could be sure it was even there, so I shrugged it off and rejoined the conversation.

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