What A Wonderful Night

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Dean's POV

Amber pushed me up against the motel room door, kissing me hungrily on the lips. I ran my hands roughly through her hair, my fingers getting tangled up in all the curls. She smiled against my lips as I unlocked the door behind me and opened it.

This time it was she that pushed me into the door. She giggled as she did so. She slowly moved her hands along my stomach and to my back, closing the door behind her with a kick. She raised her hands and tugged at the collar of my jacket. I helped her out by aggressively pulling it off and letting it fall to the ground. Then we kicked off our shoes, and I pulled her into another kiss as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

We walked over to the bed, and once we were in front of it she jumped up into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist. She was, in a way, taller than me now so she had to bend down to give me another kiss. A long kiss. As we kissed I felt her pulling my shirt off over my head.

I lowered myself onto the bed, using my hand for support, and then pulled my shirt off the rest of the way. Amber was sitting on my lap now. She shrugged off her flannel shirt and gave me another kiss before resting her forehead and nose against mine, silently telling me it was my turn.

I grabbed the hem of her tshirt, and she raised her arms as I lifted it over her head. I tossed it to the side and then was pushed down onto my back. She was still sitting on my lap and leaned over to look into my eyes. She kissed me once on the lips and then began trailing little pecks down my chest, stomach, and all the way to my waist. I inhaled and exhaled deeply as she did so.

She slid off of my lap and began to slip my pants off, which I obviously had to help with. She then stood up and let her shorts fall to the ground, stepping out of them. She got back on the bed, crawling on top of me until our faces were inches apart.

She placed her hand in mine, our fingers intertwining, and slowly lowered herself on top of me, our lips meeting. We rolled over until I was on top of her. She clawed at my back as our lips melted together, wanting - needing more.

I combed my fingers through her tangled mess, sort of pinning her down. I broke away from the kiss and began trailing some down her neck and to her chest. I heard her moan, breathing my name as I got lower. I could feel her chest rising and falling slowly from the deep breathes she was taking.

I quickly raised my head, slamming her with another kiss. One of her hands stayed on my back, feeling my muscles as I breathed heavily. I could feel the sweat forming from the heat of the moment. The other hand shot up to my head, raking through my hair. The feeling was amazing. Not just having her hands combing through my short hair but also being here with her, kissing her, feeling her. It was like we were one.

I could feel my heart hammering in my chest though I didn't know why. I've don't this several times with a ton of girls, and I've never felt so exhilarated. Goes to show.... That's the effect that Amber has on me.

It was a wonderful, eventful night.

**Hi!! Once again, sooooo sorry for the long wait!! I had said in The Devil You Know that I would try updating more this week but then they put season 3 of Once Upon A Time on netflix and that's all I did when I got home from school. I finished it, as you can see. :)

So, sorry this chapter's kinda short... And not very well written. This is the first time I've ever written anything like this. I feel like it was going too slow but maybe that's just cuz I wrote it xD I do hope you liked it though!! A little bit of Damber fluff for ya. Now you have no idea who she'll end up with. *evil laughing*

If you were having trouble imagining any of this since it was so horribly written, try imaging Dean and Lydia in The Slice Girls. Parts of it anyway. I used parts of that scene in this like the finger intertwining thing. ;) I love that scene so I figured why not? If you want to you can imagine You Shook Me All Night Long playing in the background xD That's not the song I have for them though. That would be Angel in Blue Jeans by Train. But its a good fit for the scene, don't ya think?

One more little side note thingy. Has anyone seen the sneak peek photo of Dean singing karaoke in season 10?! ITS FANTASTIC.

Anyway, don't forget to comment, vote, fan, and all that other good stuff! Until the next update... Which will be funny btw :)**

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