f i f t y • o n e

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My Twitter notifications were still blowing up daily, as were my Instagram comments. I was still receiving followers left and right all because I was affiliated with Harry Styles on social media once.

No wonder he kept his love life so private in the past...

I couldn't help but wonder what Ashlee's notifications and comments are saying. Hopefully she isn't receiving death threats but at the same time I hope the stans aren't comparing the two of us to one another.

I decided to visit Ashlee's Instagram page, which had now accumulated 95.7K followers, whereas I was only up to 40.2K. I clicked on her most recent picture, one of she and Chloe riding bikes together down Sunset Boulevard.

Most of the comments were positive, but I noticed a few negative ones.

penelllope409: this ugly bitch is dating harold? we do not approve 👋🏼

jdemoral725: Lmao ur tits are so small Harry could do so much better

cece123456789: harry doesn't even love you calm down you stupid c***.

My eyes widened and I quickly exited out of Instagram. Thankfully my comments were a little more tame, but still. They were hardcore shitting on Ashlee and I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

I returned to my bridal duties as I was now in charge of creating the faux flower bouquets.

Quinn had gotten a deal on flowers from Michaels and decided to just make them herself, or rather, myself.

Just as I was about to be productive, my phone went off.

From: stevie nix
To: me + 10 others
hey everyone, just to confirm Cassey's SURPRISE party is at Rocket Rave tonight at 8:30 p.m. all of you bitches better be there AND be ready to party 😝🎉 ALSO: bring a plus one!!!

I checked my watch and groaned as it was already 7:51.

I dragged my tired body upstairs and began doing my eye makeup while waiting for my curling iron to heat up.

After finishing my makeup, I finally settled on the cutest birthday party fit I could find, but I sent a picture to Steven just to make sure it would suffice.

From: stevie nix

I giggled at his response and even sent a picture to Harry who quickly responded as well.

From: h
you're absolutely stunning

From: h
my jaw dropped

From: h
it's gonna be hard to keep my hands off you tonight

My brows furrowed.

From: me
you're coming tonight?

My stomach twisted from nerves as he quickly replied.

From: h
yes. part of the contract is that I have to attend anything that Ashlee gets invited to with her.

From: h
but I'll be wishing I was with you

I smiled to myself as I touched up my makeup and quickly re-curled a few strands of hair before throwing it up into a wavy ponytail.

"Good enough," I smiled as I checked out my outfit and makeup before going out to my car. I plugged my phone in and pulled up my party playlist on Spotify before taking off to Rocket Rave.


My hips swayed back and forth as I grinded against an unknown body. They didn't seem to mind though. My vision was blurred but I kept a smile on my face and continued pushing my ass against their front. Their hands were now gripping my waist and once they started to forcibly pull my body into them harder, I pulled away.

I turned around to face them and I saw a man, probably in his late twenties, with bulging muscles stemming from his charming 'beers, boobs, bitches' tank top, and faded grey boat shoes to match with his black cargo shorts.

I wanted to throw up at the fact that I let this man grope me, but it also could've been due to the liquor in my system. Regardless, I kept the vomit down as I walked over to the main table that we'd reserved for the night.

Nobody was at the table and as I sat in the comfy booth, I immediately put my head down on the table. I felt an arm slide across my shoulders and caress me.

"How are you feeling, Blair?" Chloe's soft voice said.

I lifted my head up, "Tipsy and idiotic,"

Chloe nodded her head, "Same,"

I laid my head on her shoulder and shook it ferociously.

"Chloe, I let some nasty guy grind on me,"

She chuckled, making my head move a bit as her shoulders shrugged up and down. "It happens to the best of us, B,"

Just then, Harry slid into the booth on the other side of me and under the table, he slyly held my hand and stroked the back of it with his thumb.

"Blair," he said. I turned to him and plastered a smile on my face. "We're taking you home right now."

My brows furrowed, "Why? You're not my dad," I slurred as I yanked my hand away from his.

Chloe slid out of the booth, "I'm going to go find Cassey and Steven."

We both ignored her as we intensely stared at one another, both trying to guess what the other was thinking.

"Blair," his nostrils flared and his eyes filled with anger. "You are not doing this right now. Let me take you home."

"No," I spat, grabbing somebody's half empty drink from the table and sipping it. "This is Cassey's birthday party and I'm not going to miss it! Go have fun dancing with your girlfriend, Ashlee."

Harry rolled his eyes at me and sighed.

"That's what this is about? Because I danced with my fake girlfriend that you told me to date?"

I shrugged my shoulders and continued chugging back the Mai Tai.

"You're being so childish Blair," he huffed. "You went and grinded on another guy... I didn't grind with Ashlee. Hell, I barely danced 5 feet from her!" he said, now yelling over the loud music.

"Harry, Harold, Hare," I said, gripping his shoulder as I lazily smiled. "You clearly don't want you and me to be anything more than just buddies that hookup every now and then, so why does it matter?"

Harry closed his eyes for a second and attempted to calm himself down. Before I could even speak again, he gripped my hand and dragged me out of the booth with him.

My body somehow managed to keep up with his as he moved to the dance floor and went up to Ashlee.

He whispered something in her ear and she frowned before turning to me and said, "Feel better, Blair!"

I gave her a fake smile and a thumbs up.

"Ooh, wait!" She said, digging her phone out of her purse. "Let me get a Boomerang of us, Harry!"

Harry looked at me and winced before going to Ashlee. The first millisecond of the clip was them smiling and the next was Ashlee planting a quick kiss on Harry's cheek, making my jealousy flare up.

Harry's eyes widened as he walked away from Ashlee, who was too busy smiling at their clip and editing it before posting it on her Instagram story. Harry walked me out to his car and started driving me to his apartment.

I had no idea what was in store for me tonight...

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