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Once upon a time, I was a shy, antisocial girl who never really did anything spectacular. I only ever had one friend and I only ever cared about homework and making sure I stayed off of the social radar.

Now, if someone were to ask me how Calum Hood became my only friend, I'd say that I have no idea. He was the complete opposite of me, yet things between us just clicked.

He loved attention whereas I despised it. He had a million friends and I had one. He played sports and was the definition of a popular guy while I was just so....not.

It was absolutely mind-boggling to me when the Calum came up to me one day and just started talking to me. It was, undoubtedly, the best day of my freshman year. We'd been friends ever since. But that's all we ever were: friends. And we loved being just that.

Fast forward a few years into senior year, and here comes where the major changes happened. I was sleeping - peacefully, I might add - until Cal just up and bursts into my room with a camera, screaming on about some website. What website was it, you ask?


Ah, yes, Youtube. The land of complete geniuses and idiots alike. It was perfect for us. Cal was done playing the popular jock character and just wanted to be, well, Calum, and I wanted to stop being so damn terrified of people. Youtube offered us the chance to do that. So we took it.

Thus the Youtube channels SassyCassie and HoodRatCal were born. All we really did was post videos of us, individually and together, ranting and/or doing stupid things.

Little did we know, we'd end up being pretty huge. Views and subscribers came from left and right and I could barely keep up. I hadn't ever been noticed that much in my life. All I knew was that maybe the attention wasn't so bad.

A lot of unexpected things happened because of that website; like, leaving my shell or meeting new people. But one of the hugest things was finding him.

Ashton Irwin.


"Carissa, hurry your ass up, will you?" Calum's voice made me roll my eyes as I dropped my box in the middle of our new apartment.

"There, that's the last one. Happy?" I smiled mockingly at him and he grinned smugly.

"Yes, yes I am. Now let's make a video!" he grabbed my wrist and started tugging me towards the camera he'd somehow already set up, but I resisted.

"Already? Cal, we literally just moved in and I'm exhausted."

"Hey, now. We skipped out on college for this damn website, okay? Making videos is practically our life now," he reasoned, pulling harder on my arm.

I sighed and gave in, plopping down in the seat he'd prepared for me in front of his camera. He was right, we gave up on college - our education - just for Youtube. And like all other 'normal' jobs, I couldn't just skip because I was tired.

"You ready?" he asked, but didn't even wait for a response before pressing the record button and sitting in the seat beside me.

"Hey, guys! It's Cal here, joined by my beautiful best friend, Cassie," he began, already smiling brightly. I couldn't help but copy his expression, it was contagious.

"Hello everyone!" I waved to the lens cheerfully. "Excuse the mess behind us, we just moved in to our apartment." I gestured to the boxes and various items of furniture in the background with a grimace.

"Yup, me and Cass are officially roommates! Sadly," he mocked a pout and I laughed, punching his arm. "Anyways, today we're going to answer some questions you've been sending in since I've asked for them the other day. You ready, Carissa?"

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