Part 1

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"Naori!" called Aoba as he ran toward a lady. The lady stopped and turned around as she smiled tenderly. She was around Aoba's age. Her pale skin was glowing under the sunlight covered by a purple outer outside her grey shirt and purple skirt. Her long black hair was tied into loose ponytail. Her eyes were special. Her right eye was black like her hair, but her left eye was purple.

She smiled tenderly. Aoba smiled seeing her, 'she is so stunning,' Aoba thought.

"What's wrong, Aoba?" asked Naori softly as Aoba stopped next to Naori.
Aoba smiled and tried to hide his blushing cheeks.

"Ee.. Naori.. Are you busy?" asked Aoba softly.

"I have to go to hospital. But, after my shift finish, i will be free. Why?" asked Naori softly.

"Actually, we need you in intelligence division. We need someone with good genjutsu. Since Kurenai is pregnant, she is not allowed to do much jutsu, and i heard you are also a genjutsu type. So, can you help us?" asked Aoba.

Naori smiled and nodded, "sure, Aoba. I will go to the intelligence division after i finish my shift. Maybe after the sunset," answered Naori as she smiled sweetly.

Aoba stared at Naori and nodded, "thank you, Naori."

Naori smiled and nodded, "well, i'm late already. See you, Aoba!" Naori said as she waved her hand and run toward hospital.
Aoba stared at her as he smiled gladly.

Naori finished her work on the intelligence division that night and was walking out of the building when she was called by Aoba.
"Naori!" called Aoba.

Naori turned around and smiled at Aoba, "yes, Aoba, do you need anything else?"

Aoba's eyes widened behind his glasses and stared at Naori as Naori smiled softly to him, 'so fragile.. But, beautiful like the first snow of the winter,' thought Aoba.

"Aoba.. Aoba..," called Naori softly.

Aoba was awaken from his imagination, "yes."

"Are you okay?" asked Naori softly with worry in her tone.

"Yes.. Yes.. I'm fine. It's.. Actually Ibiki san called you," answered Aoba.

"Really? Is there something wrong?" asked Naori.

"I don't know. But, i hope you can meet him now," answered Aoba.

"Sure," Naori walked in to intelligence division accompanied by Aoba to Ibiki's room.

"Ibiki san," greeted Naori.

"Oh yes, Naori. Sorry to bother you with my division," answered Ibiki.

"No.. No, Ibiki san. Please don't say that," replied Naori.

"Actually, i wanted to offer you a position in intelligence division. We need your talent here," offered Ibiki.

"I'm sorry, Ibiki san. But, i'm already in hospital. But, i can help you in intelligence division when i finished my shift at hospital," answered Naori politely.

"I see. I understand your choice, Naori. Thank you for helping us here. I'm really glad that you are here. We don't have many genjutsu user after the uchiha massacre and moreover after the 4th great ninja war," answered Ibiki.

Naori smiled and nodded, "i'm just doing what i can do, Ibiki san. I'm glad that i can help this division," replied Naori softly.

Ibiki nodded and looked at Aoba, "Aoba.. Take Naori home. It's really late now. She shouldn't walk alone this late," asked Ibiki.

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